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1049 fatwas

  • Du'a to return a straying husband

    My husband is having an affair. Can you please suggest any Dua' (transliteration) which will get my husband back to me and be loyal thereafter. And all any Dua' so that he can be away from these attractions... More

  • Relations with Brother Who Does Not Pray

    I have an elder brother. He doesn't offer Prayer. I've learnt that one must break ties with him who doesn't pray. So, what are the orders in Qur'an and Hadith for a person who doesn't offer prayer? .. More

  • Who to Rescue First: Mother or Wife?

    Suppose I am going in a boat with my wife and mother and the boat sank. I can rescue only one person, whom should I rescue? My wife or my mother? .. More

  • Meaning of Silatur-Rahim (Keeping Ties with Kinship)

    What is the meaning of Silat ur Rahem? With whom we should keep and regard the relations of Rahim? Please give me the details. .. More

  • Help for the suicidal person

    I know someone who will commit suicide. What should I do?.. More

  • Muslimah "hanging out" with teen companions in USA

    I am a 15-year-old Arab Muslimah living in America. I would like to ask you some questions.First, I hang out with my Muslim friends (who are all girls) but they are not the best Muslims. From them I have learned to talk about others and swear too much. They are good girls, all around my age, but are obsessed with music and guys. I want to tell them.. More

  • Parents Ordered Son to Divorce Pregnant Wife with Two Children

    I am married since 1996 and I have two children and my wife is pregnant now and she live, in her father's house for 6 months because she had problem with my mother. My mother started that problem and treated my wife so badly, then my wife could not carry all that, so she responded by the same way to my mother. Then my mother gets mad at my wife. After.. More

  • Ignoring a sister who speaks to her male colleagues

    What do you say of a man who is highly strict with his sisters to the extent that he ignores his sister for 5 months for speaking to other men who are just her colleagues? When he married he married a woman of disgusting morals who commits what is almost Haram, insane relationships with men and so on and he is aware of all that... More

  • Marriage without Parents' Approval

    What do you say of a man who decides to marry in secret while knowing that what he is doing is going to anger his parents very strongly after consulting them in the marriage? The reasons for the parents' rejecting the marriage were: 1. He is 20 years old. 2. He didn't get a degree. 3. The woman he wanted to marry is known for bad morals committing what.. More

  • Muslim Mother Raising Two Non-Muslim Children

    A mother is raising two Kafir children. She accepted Islam when they were older and they live with her and her husband. What is her responsibility towards them? They do not oppose her in anyway. She is very displeased with them. .. More

  • Punishment for Revealing His Wife's Secret

    What is the punishment of a person that didn't keep his wife's secret which she told him to keep as a secret, and he began to publish it to all the people? This secret is that she had a problem and can't get pregnant and he began to say that "she cheated me and she knew about her situation before?" .. More

  • Studying in USA, working around forbidden things, and relations with father

    1) I went to USA for study, but they told me that is forbidden to live in a non-Muslim country and it's forbidden to work in places when there is, for example, pork or other forbidden things even though no other Halal jobs exist. As you know, its difficult to find a job there.2) My father makes a lot of differences between his sons and its difficult.. More

  • Being betrayed by friends

    Many of my friends (Muslims and non-Muslims) have hurt me and treated me very badly in spite of me helping them so many times. They have used me when they needed me and then left me or ignored me whenever I needed them. Because of them I have spent many hours and days in depression. Sometimes I would hate them in my heart and sometimes I would just.. More

  • Wife Prevents Husband from Contacting or Visiting His Mother

    My wife had a hard time with my mother that effected her personality so badly that she became mentally ill. Now she refuses to let me visit my mother at all, and I know that she will apply for a divorce if I visit her or even phone her. Can I visit my mother secretly and swear to my wife that I didn't if she asks me? .. More

  • Family relations, etc.

    Should I keep visiting my male cousin as often as I visit my sister or aunt or daughter especially if that cousin is away from Islam? Is it okay to stay away from him to avoid Fitna? I've told him to change his ways but he does not?My aunt (wife of my father's brother) is 55 yrs old, she has lots of sons; one of them is my age. When she visits my.. More