Assalaam alaykum. My question is concerning taking a last name different from that of your father. A brother's parents divorced twenty years ago because of a lot of problems. The father stabbed the mother with a knife and other bad things. The mother changed the last name of the children for security reasons and ignored the Islamic ruling. The children.. More
Assalaamu alaykum Brother. I was wondering; can you name your son Lut after the prophet Lut? Mainly, though, what is the meaning of the name Lut? No one has been able to tell me, so I was wondering if you knew. May Allaah reward you. The word 'lot' in Hebrew means 'veiled'; is that a nice baby name? I mean is the word 'veiled' a good meaning or a bad.. More
Im 27 years old. I have always been a good person or at least tried to be so for the sake of Allaah, as best I can. I have begun to spin in and out of depression after having been approached for marriage and then rejected. I was then proposed to again, and we made it to the marriage, but I was divorced after a few weeks without consumating the marrage... More
Assalaamu alaykum. Can we give our baby girl the name Anfal like in Surah Al-Anfal? The Arabic word has different meanings, and I heard that it also means 'increase in goodness. If yes, then can you please tell me all its possible meanings? May Allaah reward you.
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I am a mother who has a child out of wedlock who vaguely remembers her "biological father" when he was around. I repented from it and married someone else a few years later; he explained the opinions of the scholars regarding the child's ascription to me. My question is: do I have to tell my daughter that she was born out of wedlock? What if she asks.. More
Assalaamu alaykum. (1) Is it considered shirk (polytheism) or is it just a sin if someone calls a person Ghafoor or Razzaq (while his actual name is Abdul Ghafoor or Abdur Razzaq)? (2) What should a latecomer (who joined in the third rak’ah [unit of prayer]) say in the last tashahhud with the imam?
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A father of a two-year-old baby girl living with her divorced mother wants to know what rights he has over the child and what rights the child has. We are living in a Hindu-influenced society that prevails in Pakistan. What does Islam say about the visitation rights; is there a cap on frequency visiting given that I am only allowed to see my daughter.. More
Assalaamu alaykum. I am confused regarding my name. As you see, my name is Abdul Muhaymin. Many say that the name of Allaah is 'Al-Muhaymin', which means , 'Al-Muhaymin, the All-Preserver'. So many people keep their kids' name as only 'Muhaymin', which only means, 'ruler, overlord, one who provides sanctuary from any hazard or danger'. Is it okay to.. More
I have a wife named Malika, and I call her Malik for short. Is it permissible to call her by this name? I heard that the Messenger of Allaah, sallallaahu ʻalayhi wa sallam,used to call ʻAa'ishahʻAa'ish,or is this a name which is exclusively for men?
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We read your article about children lying and their different types and were wondering if there are any reports that mention how the Prophet, sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam, and his Companions, may Allaah be pleased with them, dealt with children who would lie. Is it true that he, sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam,used to ignore them? If so, then what type.. More
My wife was a non-Muslim who embraced Islam just before we got married. She has a daughter from a previous relationship who was eight years old when we married. My stepdaughter is not a bad girl, but she spent most of her life with no knowledge of Islam and fell into some bad habits. I knew that Islam would benefit her, so I focused on teaching her.. More
Assalaamu alaykum. Arabic names that mean sword (like Mohaned); are those good names? My sister want to keep her son's name Saifan, which means "Sword of Allah" but she is confused on whether it is a good name or not. Is Saifan a good name? Please answer these two questions.
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