Assalaamu alaykum. My wife and I have a newborn (two months old now), and we named her Tameemah because my wife's mother was named Tameemah, but she died while my wife was a child (may Allah have mercy upon her). Is it haram to give the name Tameemah to a newborn? Can you please explain in as much detail as you can why or why not? May Allah reward you.
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My parents are getting a divorce. I have two sisters, and we are all in our 20's and single. When my mom moves out and the divorce is finalized, are we not allowed to leave our fathers household because he is our Mahram (permanently unmarriageable kin)? I do not want my mother to live alone, so is it Islamically incorrect if we do go live with her?
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Assalaamu alaykum. My previous question is about names, and I want to clarify it. A name is good in a language, like, for example, "Zaniyah", which means "forever"/"always" in "Nahuatl", while it is known that this means "an adulteress" in Arabic. If the person bears this name while she meant the first meaning though it has a bad meaning in the Arabic.. More
Assalaamu alaykum. A friend of mine said that you must give you third child Mohammed or else you are a miser, and he attributed this information to the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam. Is this true?
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I want a fatwa regarding the divorce of my friend, who is from India. My friend works in Saudi Arabia. He was already married and has children from his first marriage (in India). Later, he got married to another woman in Saudi Arabia who is not a citizen (she is from Ethopia). He kept this fact hidden this from his first wife. He had a son from his.. More
As I work in Saudi Arabia, I have not been able to do my three children's ‘Aqeeqah. Can I do it on the same day for all three? Please reply soon. May Allaah reward you.
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Assalaamu alaykum. Shaikh, I would be grateful if you would answer this question directly, because if you show another fatwa, I will have difficulty understanding it. Can mother hire a babysitter to look after her baby and clean the baby's waste (stool, urine, vomit, etc.) in order to decrease her burden, or is it obligatory for the mother to do all.. More
My name is Benazeer; some scholars said that my name does not have a good meaning and told me to change it. I am now called Sarah. I want to know whether Benazeer is a good name or not, and when I change my name, can I change it as Sarah Benazeer? Is it good?
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Assalaamu alaykum. I have recently learned that a name can be haram if it means something that goes against Islam. My question is: since one of the meanings of my name is church, is my name halal or haram?
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Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu. Dear Shaykh, I pray you are in the best of health. All praise is for Allah. Is it permissible to send a young child (aged 2-3 years) to an Islamic nursery in the UK if the parents are told that the staff do nursery rhymes there? Does the content of the rhyme matter, as well as whether they are sung.. More