Assalaamu alaykum. I do not know whether you have received my email, but if you did, then I would like to apologise for this inconvenience. I asked if it was an act of Shirk (associating partners with Allah) to talk to people with pagan names, and from what I undersood from the answer, it is not, but what if a Muslim was to talk to a person with a name.. More
Assalaamu alaykum. Could you please give some ideas on how a male Islamic teacher shouldcreate his syllabus/contract with his students according to the Shariah? This male Islamic Tteacher is a new teacher and would like to know some Islamic rulings on how to conduct his class. Thank you.
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Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu. Our baby girl's ‘Aqeeqah was done on the seventh day. At that time, praise be to Allaah, we cut the hair, sacrificed an animal and, named her. Is it possible for us to change the name after the ‘Aqeeqah? If we want to change it, should we have a new ‘Aqeeqah? May Allaah reward you.
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Assalaamu alaykum. I have a matter in my family that requires advice before action is taken. Problem and Background: I am from a family that consists of both Muslims and Non-Muslims. I have a non-Muslim niece that has 5 children (some out of wedlock), all fairly young, aged 8-14 (approximately). One of the five children (who is 10 years old) has displayed.. More
About eight years ago, a non-Muslim Filipino man and his non-Muslim Filipina girlfriend lived together under one roof for more than a year, and she became pregnant. The man and woman were never married. The woman gave birth to the child. The man gave financial support initially, but their relationship turned sour and was on and off. Later on, he discovered.. More
I hope you are in good health. My brother, who is a non-Muslim and in a relationship (unmarried) with a woman, is due to have a child in maybe less than two weeks, Allaah willing. I feel that it is not good to congratulate for a child born outside of marriage; is that correct? So what would be good for me to say to them upon the child's arrival? And.. More
Assalaamu alaykum. Is it permissible for an average human being to not fulfill their word to a cognitively or physically disabled child? A disabled child told an individual that they would like them to always keep informing them on how they should behave apporiately if they caught them doing otherwise. This individual agreed, but the disabled child.. More
Assalaamu alaykum. I am divorced. I have two children; a son (almost four years old) and a daughter (two years old). My query is regarding the custody of the children; at what age is the custody transferred to the father? I live in Saudi Arabia, and my kids are residing in Islamabad, with their mother.
Visitation rights of the father:
1. Can I.. More
Assalaamu alaykum. I would like to know what 'Niche' (Mishkaat) means? Is it related to Allaah's light in any way? Is it allowable to name a girl Mishkaat?
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Assalaamu alaykum. I am a 21-year-old girl. My parents have been divorced for several months now, and I live with my dad to take care of him and go to my mom's house to sleep there during the weekends and holidays. However, dad was not very welcoming to that idea; he hates mom so much although she did not do anything to him. He used to abuse her emotionally.. More
Assalaamu alaykum. There's a fatwa that I saw here where it says that a person's name reflects on their personality, so if a child is named "Arif", will that reflect on him, Allaah willing?
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Is it permissible to start a preschool in a non-Muslim country? The purpose of this is to try to make an Islamic preschool with halal food, Muslim teachers and nurses, and other possible benefits. However, since it will be located in a non-Muslim country, it will be bound by a curriculum based on the idea of democracy, meaning that there will be rules.. More