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Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh,
Lately, I have been having waswas about taking revenge against a bully who beat me up in high school 6 years ago. At that time, I was very vulnerable and weak, but now I'm not that person anymore. So should I do it, or forget and forgive? This is really driving me insane.
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Assalamualikum.I am from india.since the day of my marriage my in-laws satarted torturing me.they always abuse me without any fault.then my husband also started torturing me.i have tolerated so much both mentally and physically for 1 year.i got married on 10october 2015 and came to my parents home on 7october husband never realised his mistakes.after.. More
Salam aleikum
I was wondering if in islam its allowed that u Think that yr country and People and yr food and culture is better than other People. And the reason for this is bcz the person thinking like this told me there is a hadith where a woman comes to Rasoul Allah and want divorce from her husband bcz he is not from same country or tribe and she.. More
What does Islam say about paraphilia (sexual perversion or sexual deviation) ? For example, from childhood (may be from age 7 or 8) a person may be attracted to particular body parts of girls, and wants to touch them, and now he has become a youth and gets sexual aroused when he sees videos of girls gagged with cloth or tape. He was doing masturbation.. More
Can I be a friend with the LGBT as a Muslim?
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Salamu AleikumDoes sura 5:32 refer to Muslims as well? Someone told me that despite Allah (SWT) adressing the children of Israel directly (and this is also in all tafseers) this verse also adresses Muslims. I said if this is true then why are we allowed to fight and kill diebelievers then?
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How should I treat the LGBT community as a Muslim?
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Married for around 10 months wife went ot her parent place even after completing 1month she not yet returned reason for going is that my mother is speaking a lot saying same thing again and again, need solution..Even i had gone to bring her back but she didnot came with me.
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Assalamu alaykum my respected sheikhs, I am a 16 year old boy living in a western country. I come from a religious family that truly cares for me. I’m overly attracted to the opposite gender and I’m seriously considering having sexual intercourse with a girl even though I know the consequences of this action. I’m very confused and I don’t know.. More
Salam aleikum I have a question about the Word nashez ( disobedient wife) as my husband calls me this many Times a day. He tells me every day almost that Prophet Rasoul Allah have made lana for women like me and that i Will never feel the smell of jennah . If i forget to close a door inside Home he calls me nashez , if i dont make bread exactly on the.. More
Salam aleikum I have a question regarding my marriage situation as i find it very bad. My husband is out with friends all night . He comes Home around 4 or 5 in the morning. Takes sleeping pills and then sleep all day . I hate this and i told him but he dosent care . He continues doing it . Which of Course leaves me not Only lonely during the Days and.. More
Salam,I have a question regarding hurmat musaaharah. I am severely affected from OCD so i got lot of waswasas about this issue. My question is that i am following Hanafi Madhab can i follow your Fatwas regarding hurmat e musaahrah (e.g 318664) or notjQuery111009441319627245637_1543994284918I have fear that if i follow your fatwa do it come under tafliq.. More
Assalamu alaikum wa rahmathullahi wa barakathuhu...My father left my mother with my 2 siters (2yrs old,1 yr old) and when she was carrying me(2 months pregnant)....There was not any contact between them for 26 years...nor he provided us with anything throughout our life....he never met us or my mother...even many times my mom and her family tried to.. More
Does the father have the right to take from his son's wealth? If so, what are the guidelines and conditions? Does he have the right to take whatever he wants if it will not harm his son i.e. if his son is very wealthy?
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As salamu alaykom respected alim.I have a serious issue that needs immidiate attention. My husband and i have been married for nearly 10 years. We have 3 children together aged 3, 6 and 7. Recently my husband had his visa removed. He has been detained for 3 months. He has divorced me and will return to his country. He wants to take the kids with him... More
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