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I been falsely accused two times from my in laws I been crying day in night my husband doesn’t believe me either I been oppressed by my in laws since I got married but I had wanted to be on good terms they would hurt me with words and I would stay silent because I don’t want to oppress anyone but sheikh last time they accused me of teaching my husband.. More
Asalama WaAlkum, I have been married 18yrs l and have 6children with my husband. I have my mother n law living with me. I have a question her brother ( a older man 85yrs of age) lives two doors down and always comes unexpectedly to my house (his sisters house of course) knocks on the door twice and walks in. I never really got irritated before but I’ve.. More
Salam aleikum Sheikh Me and my exhusband divorced about 10 Days ago . We were married for 10 years and have 3 kids aged 8,7 And 5 . I got a divorce throu khula and one of the biggest reason i asked khule for is i want to have more kids but he dident want . Now he talks about he loves me and misses me and asked me to marry him again i Said yes if he.. More
Is too much complaining mean I’m not happy with what Allah has planned for me? If if life isn’t always going to be fair. I married have 6 kids 3 bedroom house. My mother n law lives with me & father n law comes every day. Do I have to live with my inlaws my whole life. All my husband says is ba3in Allah wainshallah khair. And Allah will be pleased.. More
Salaam, I’m a sixteen years old girl and I’m seeking help regarding my family. Growing up, my brother and mother have beaten me for using social media or for minor mistakes. This has caused me to have depression. My father had left the house three times throughout my childhood, further increasing my depression as well as my mother constantly making.. More
i know some one who is really eager to find out if its a sin to abort the baby after being pregnant. This young man got his girl friend pregnant from zina and if their parents find out about being pregnant before marriage they will kick both of them out of their houses and cut family ties with them. That is why they believe they have no other option.. More
Recently I got a message from a non-Muslim girl that was in my class last year she told me that she believed that my brother was stalking her and her friends on social media and wanted me to talk to him because she found it very creepy. I told her I wouldn’t do so because I am very shy to talk to my brother about such a matter and also I didn’t.. More
As Salam O Allay kum, Sir I am married from the past 8 years and once I get married I was penny less guy and at that time my in-laws was looking at my physical appearance and breed they are rich they don't respect me not even mother in law but few brother and sister in law also, once she send me back from her home without lunch and I was far from my.. More
AsSalaamu alaykum wa ragmatullaahi wa barakaatuh Please let me know how to respond to a muslim who, when one tells them about something that they have done to offend or hurt me, whether it be today or years ago, their response is 'get over it' or ' stop living in the past' or ' its 2018 not 1998 grow up'. If they had just sincerely said how truly sorry.. More
Scholars, I have an issue with lying. To my brother, I find myself lying to him over little things such as whether or not I have ironed my clothes or combed my hair. I do this as he has tendency to tease and berate me in an aggressive manner. Recently, i lied about finishing my quran reading for a day and I am feeling immense guilt over it and about.. More
Is it true that if you have a family who are not devoted Muslims and restricts you to do certain things, that involves Islam where Allah is directing you to do things that will help you to get closer to Allah you are obliged to inform your family on whatever occurs in your life? How about if you know your family will call you offense names such as Kharjwas,.. More
My parents lied to me that wife & her family wants khula, i was critically ill at that time but wife got one divorce from me at time she was expecting. Later on family got me married somewhere else. When i found out reality i tried to revive the relationship with her but now she says i gotten married so she dose not want to marry at all not with.. More
My question is about my husband's family treatment towards their son. He is 61yrs old and his mother likes all the other sons, grandsons more than us, even though we are far all our life from her she still has this hatred towards us.She has this soft corner for her sons & grandsons a lot. She wants us to send her only money so that she can make.. More
I am not sure if this is waswasah but I was talking to my sisters friend online and I think brother told me that my sister listens to music so I asked her friend. It didn't cross my mind that I was doing something haram. How do I repent? Must I tell my sister about this?
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As-Salam alaykoumI know somebody related to me who doesn't tell his older children they have brothers and sisters in different countries. Mind you the oldest son is 25 years old and he doesn't know his siblings nor the wives of his father. His father never explained why.Is this permissible in Islam?
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