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If I ate unknown food that might be halal or haram, do I have to throw it up? And is doing this haram? Also, if I pray without throwing it up, is my prayer accepted? Sorry, again, Shaykh, for asking more than one question.
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Assalaamu alaykum, Sheikh. I would like to know if it is haram in Islam to kill or to eat a rooster?
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Some of the food that my family buys contains haram ingredients. Is it wrong for me to help moving the groceries without being sure that the food is halal?
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Assalaamu alaykum. We would like to inform you that the food outlets in Hong Kong - processing, handling and output - have come across a number of difficulties in accessing halal food. We would like to ask our respectable Islamic scholars the following question: What does Islam say about a situation where the food that we consume is produced in the.. More
Assalaamu alaykum. Is it permissible to eat at a place that makes sandwiches where the workers are supposed to use gloves and change them for each customer, even if a worker may have not done so and there may have been contamination of a non-halal ingredient on a halal ingredient? Is one sinful if they eat in such as place?
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There is this pressure on women in the Muslim world today to be able to cook really well. There is this stereotype that a good Muslim woman makes lots of stews. Ramadan has become some sort of food holiday in which these ladies cook very intensely. It is delicious food, and it is easy to overeat. It is rather frowned upon to not follow this stereotype,.. More
Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu. I wanted to make homemade pineapple cider vinegar. It involves putting pineapple skin scraps, water, and dark brown sugar in a container for 2 weeks. Then it is ready; is it halal for me to consume this?
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What is the ruling of Islam according to Imam Abu Hanifah regarding eating snakes?
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Assalaamu alaykom. What is the Islamic ruling of eating the fruits of a tree planted intentionally in, or growing accidentally from, the middle of a grave?
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Assalaamu alaykum. I was wondering if its allowed to eat some seeds called chia seeds during Ramadan. They contain lots of energy and vitamins and make one feel less hungry. Is it haram to eat these if they make one feel less hungry when fasting?
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Assalaamu alaykum. Please, do not refer me to other fatwas. May Allaah bless you. What does Islam say about drinking the blood of an animal like a hen or a goat and so on? And what about soldiers who perform their duty in cold areas where they usually do not have much means to survive in that freezing cold, so they drink the blood of an animal, which.. More
Assalaamu alaykum. I would like to know whether my business is halal or not. I started a poultry business in my country. There is an issue of using antibiotics in chickens internationally due to antibiotic resistance in humans. We are trying to decrease the use of antibiotics by only using it when the birds need it. However, there is a small amount.. More
I have a question related to goat milk with some blood. I usually buy raw milk, and this time, the owner said that there was some blood in the milk and that it would settle in a day. She thought that their goat milk contained some blood due to the minerals that they gave to it. So now I wonder whether that milk is halal to use or not. Thank you very.. More
Assalaamu alaykum, dear Shaykh. I read in Fiqh-us-Sunnah that the rennet of unlawful animals is pure and halal. My question is: then why can we not also apply that to hormones, milk and other extracts, especially now that some drugs and food items may contain these substances? Please, dear Shaykh, do not refer me to other fatwas because sometimes the.. More
Assalaamu alaikum. Is treeshrew halal? We have many in our surroundings and many people eat them.
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