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Please, what is the stance of the Sharia on feeding fish with the flesh of dead animals like poultry, goats and cow?
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Assalaamu alaykum. Is homemade kombucha tea halal? Kind regards.
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Assalaamu alaykum. Is eating capybarapermissible ?
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Assalaamu alaykum. I would like to know if the use of citric acid in food/beverages is halal or haram. I found that your website has an article about citric acid, but it is in Arabic. (I am currently studying it, but am not able yet to translate it.) Please advice. Thank you.
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Assalaamu alaykum Brother. May Allaah, The Exalted, bless you. I would like to ask the following question: In some parts of Indonesia, the locals mix a deadly substance called methanol into alcoholic drinks and sell this to unsuspecting tourists. The methanol is mixed in to save the locals money, but this is deadly and has caused some tourists to become.. More
Please tell me whether kratom tea is halal or haram.
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Assalaamu alaykum. It is a dire necessity to have clean, unpolluted water for our servival. Nowadays, there are hundreds of pollutants in our drinking water. In order to eliminate pollutants, water filters are used, but 100 percent of water filters in Canada and USA have nano particles of silver to disinfect water. If we do not use a water filter, then.. More
Is eating chicken eggshells to strengthen weak bones halal?
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If I work at a place, and one if my managers gets food from McDonald's and heats up his sandwhiches on our grill. Will the grill become impure given that it is well known that McDonald's cooks their breakfast sandwiches as well as other beef sandwiches along with bacon on the same grill? I have two cousins who worked at a McDonald's and told me this... More
Asalaamu alaykum. I wanted to know if brewer's yeast supplement is halal or permissible to consume? I found one that is made from beet. The website shares the following information about their brewer's yeast supplement: Solgar® Brewer’s Yeast is produced from beet molasses under carefully controlled conditions. After fermentation, the yeast is collected.. More
Assalaamu alaykum. I work in a boarding school as a member of the teaching staff. Free food and residence are provided by the governmentfor students in these schools. Monthly, a certain amount is released by the government per head (total number of students). The warden is supposed to take the attendance of the students and spend food grains, vegetables,.. More
Assalaamu alaykum. Please tell me about the authenticity of the regarding hadith. Is it allowed to eat lizards? The Messenger of Allaah, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam,disliked the idea of eating lizard meat, he did not forbid others to eat it, as is reported in the following story:
“Khaalid ibn Al-Waleed reported that some grilled lizard meat.. More
Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaah. I want to know about drinks or foods that touch one's long moustache before eating it. Does that drink or food become haram?
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Please do not cite other fatwas, please tell me in detail. There are seven things that are haram in a halal animal (goat, sheep, cow, and so on). I would like to know whether the skin, eyes, brain, tongue, ears, nose and so many other things of the animal are edible or not? As for eating the tongue, some people in South-Asian countries do so.
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Is playing with fruits and vegetables without wasting them in order to teach kids haram?
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