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599 fatwas

  • Was Raped at an Earlier Age and Is Very Depressed and Suicidal

    My 16 year old cousin was raped by our non-muslim neighbour when she was 13 years old. Before that incident she started praying for the first time. After she was raped she became very depressed and suicidal and is taking medication daily and seeing a doctor. Today she does not pray and has mental problems. When asked why she doesnt pray, she insist.. More

  • Suffers from Whispers About Purity and Passing Wind

    Assalamu alaykum,I have been experiencing pops and bubbles from my buttocks for over six years. I'm suffering from waswas but this experience is HORRIBLE because I do not know what I am meant to do with it. I experience these sensations during wudu and salah and I do not know the cause because I can fart normally. It even happens when I'm holding my.. More

  • Wants to Use Medical Makeup to Cover Scars on His Face

    Dear Shaikh, I’m a man with a big surgical scar on my cheek. I’ve suffered a lot of depression because of this scar for many years including hurtful comments, constant stares and disgusted expressions. Recently I came across a special type of medical makeup that can be used to cover such scars. This makeup can be worn for 1-2 days without taking.. More

  • Revealing Parts of Her Body Through Skype to a Female Doctor

    Assalamu Alaikom, is it permissible for a female to send by email or show during Skype conversation parts of her body to a female doctor? I suffer from eczema, my doctor(female) would like to see infected parts of my body (e.g. arms, legs, eyes), am I allowed to do so? During Coronavirus pandemic doctors do not see patients personally, rather than they.. More

  • They Have a Disabled Daughter and Find a Great Hardship in Taking Care of Her

    Assalamu 'alaikum,Muhtaram,Allah has given me a daughter, the current age of the girl is twenty months. The girl is disabled. The girl still cannot sit, stand and walk. We (especially my wife) have to endure endless hardships to nurture the girl. There is social stigma. We live a kind of socially isolated life. We are treating the girl as best we can... More

  • She Is Afflicted with Whispers About Discharge of Maniyy

    Salam, When looking for maniy discharge, are you required to just check the external private parts or internal as well. And what if you see discharge once you start washing private part, does it require ghusl. I'm struggling with waswas.JazakAllah .. More

  • He Is Forced to Serve Sheeshah in a Family Business

    I was offered a job in a family business, it’s a bakery. However, now they are forcing me to serve shisha, or I’ll lose my job. I continuously begged them to not do it, is it permissible if I am forced ? Getting another job is almost impossible for me at the moment. Please help. .. More

  • Cannabidiol Is Forbidden

    Can the cbd stuff that looks like weed but contains less than 0.3 percent thc be smoked as an alternative to marijuana or is it also haram .. More

  • Very Afflicted with Whispers in Prayer

    Asalamualikum The question was Akhi that I forget a lot during Salah like can’t remember in second rukkah whether I recited Fatiha or forgetting whether I have done two or one sujdah etc. it has recently developed since last two months. I have came to Ukriane to study Medicne post graduate and my is in London still I am here alone with one of my friend.. More

  • It Is Permissible to Seek Treatment for Psychological Diseases

    I want to be a psychologist but I worried if it is haram to use secular therapy methods and treat non-Muslims with these methods without using remembrance in Allah and Islamic practices as part of the therapy? .. More

  • Has Whispers about Pronouncing Al-Faatihah Correctly and about Prayer

    As salam alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu, i have got a question concerning the invalidation of Salat when two letters are articulated: I have recently learned how to pronounce Al-Fatiha correctly. I strive very hard to pronounce it correctly that i repeat some words until I am sure that I have done so. But this leads to the situation that i get.. More

  • Suffers from OCD that If She Fasts Entire Ramadan She Will Die

    For last 4 years I am suffering from OCD. But I have always regularly offered namaz and fasts. But due to OCD shaitan whispers come in my mind. My question is that now a days in Ramadhan I am having thoughts like if I fasted for all month then I will die .And intensity of these thoughts is that much that it leads to anxiety ,panic and depression for.. More

  • Has Whispers about Mispronouncing Surah Al-Faatihah and Tasleem

    Salam , when ending Salah in Tasleem , in the second one I felt like it came out wrong (the pronunciation) caused maybe by my tongue getting in the way or my mouth made another sound I’m not really sure , I just didn’t want to repeat it because of waswas , if I do sujud sahw is that fine. Also when pronouncing siratal latheena, because I’ve been.. More

  • Undergoing Orthodontic Treatment with a Non-Muslim Orthodontist

    I used to wear braces (on my teeth) a long time ago before I was religious. Now I have a retainer which is worn in order to prevent the teeth from moving back to their original position. I do not know whether or not the braces were for a legitimate reason or for cosmetic purposes. The doctors told me that I had an overbite, but I still don't know whether.. More

  • Thinks his Father Cast Evil Eye on Him and Has Suicidal Thoughts

    Hello I've been having a serious question that has continously run in my mind. Long story short while growing up my father developed an intense secret hatred towards me and decided to target everything that I did, along with whatever that I tried to do. He became very toxic to the point where I became depressed, suicidal, to where I had to run away.. More