I have troubles pronouncing letters correctly in silent prayers. I try to but this takes more time, its louder and can disturb others praying with me and it also happens that i get out of breath, wich leads to less tranquility. I have difficulties in keeping up with the imam because of this. If i was to wait until im back to normal after getting out.. More
I suffer from ocd and i have resolved 70% of my phobias. I know for example that there is no sin if you imagine a blasphemous sentence or voice as long as you don't approve that. In one of the answers it said there is no sin but the believer must spent time with imagining good things like the Quran and sunnah. Because spending time with small and idle.. More
I got pregnant with the father of the Child before marriage, when we found out we rushed to get married.
The families were very against it and I have a violent ex-husband.
his family will not accept me and at my most vulnerable time, right after I was subjected to violence by my ex.
The father of the child moved away from me and back.. More
Asalam O alaikum. sir My question is i have 5 daughters and i dont any more childern. but my wife is again pregnant. even she has medical issue also. its only one week we just come to know. so if i want her to abort the pregnancy. what the Quran say. will it be a murder ? . please answer in detail. jazak Allah khair. My wife is saying it will be murder.. More
Salaam ‘Alaykum.
The scholars - including this website - always tell those who suffer from waswasah (satanic whispers, doubts) to ignore the waswasah and not pay any attention to it at all. But what do they mean by ignoring it? For example, if I constantly suffer from waswasah that my wudoo’ and salaah is for the sake of so-and-so (i.e. that I.. More
I am from India and a long time back I was invited to a function as a chief guest and as part of the inaugural function I was told to light a lamp. This is a tradition in many parts of India where they start any function with this ceremony. The reason for this I think is religious (https://www.quora.com/What-is-the-significance-of-lighting-a-lamp-befo.. More
I have a nose which is bit big and and I am suffering mentally because of that can i undergo surgery insha allah in future to fix it? Is it considered shirk
.. More
I have been suffering from waswas, in daily activities and especially in prayer. It becomes difficult for me to pray as i get dirty thoughts and images in mind from the time i do wudu till i finish my prayer. I get scared if mathi comes as i suddenly feel something in my private part as soon as these thoughts come. Although i try to deviate my mind.. More
As salam wa wa aliakum wa rehmatullahi wa barakatuh. I have been suffering from bad thoughts about Allah his deen and his prophet. Since 5 years i cannot control myself. When a read Quran i have thouhts about it that i am understanding it in other ways and many strange thoughts. After these kinds of thoughts about Allah i feel i not believe in Allah.. More
Assalam O Alaikum,
A portion of the carpet in my bedroom (fitted carpet) was soiled with drops of urine. Once the urine had largely dried i had poured water on the area once. After the water had dried, the next day i steam-cleaned the portion thoroughly. This was 4 months ago. I never thought much of it after that until recently i have been getting.. More
Salam aleikum wa rahmatu Llahi wa barakatu.
In a lot of medicine there are doubtful ingredients which we not know if they are halal or halal, such as gelatine, magnesium stearate,ecc... It is very difficult to know if it is animal or vegetable origin. Is it halal to take it?
We often found them in Muslim countries and sometimes find only ,for some.. More
JazakAllah khair for your answer. 1. I wanted to know that if I check for end of menses immediately after istinjaa I ll not have any discharge because I have just cleaned and checking like that would be wrong. So how long should I wait after istinjaa to check if I have any discharge. If I wait, suppose half an hour and check and find dryness, I might.. More
Salam, im a male 42, i live away from my wife in another country because of my work, i have been facing issues with erection and premature ejaculation, i have read about massaging penis and scortum with blackseed oil, to improve bloodflow to imrprove the erection quality, but never ejaculate as i tried to delay it qnd stop the massage without ejaculation.. More
Salam alaykoumI shortened my question 2728520I entered a country as a student with document X approved by immigration. I later met my wife and we submitted to immigration paperwork to change my status from student to resident and later to citizen. To change status from student to resident document x was one of the documents submitted even though immigrationâ€.. More