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599 fatwas

  • Has Whispers Regarding Smiling to a Non-Muslim Woman

    Assalamu alaikum. I am single and suffer from depression. A non muslim woman smiled at me and I smiled back a few times at my work and I regret it. I liked her. I found her on facebook and saw that she shared a video which was about a muslim becoming a christian. I didnt know that she was religious. I was shocked when I saw this and even cried. Also.. More

  • Said Words of Kufr and Repented

    I uttered the following words am god or am allahi and i insulted the prophet i regreted the stupidity i did and said the shahadah i tried to cry over this sin and failed i tried to recite the repentance word by believing it and said to Allah sorry whilebelieving in it does count sincere no soul knows what i did only Allah if i repent sincerely how i.. More

  • Using a Device for Penis Enlargement

    I just wanted to know as a man can I use a device that is place on the penis to enlargement it through stretching as I have a small private part and this would help me out satisfy the spouse . You wear it for a couple of hours a day underneath ur clothing and you go about your day. Is it permissible to do this or not please let me know so I don’t.. More

  • Best Contraceptive Methods in Islam

    Salam alaekum warahmotullahi, what is best way in Islam for the couples to protect their self from un-expected pregnancy" .. More

  • Selling Cigarettes Lest He Loses Customers

    I am running a hypermarket with my partners and almost 10% of the total sale is cigarettes. I am afraid that If I stop selling cigarettes, I will lose significant number of customers which in turn may lead to losses and shutting down of business.Please note that my core business is not sale of tobacco products and being a hypermarket I am supposed to.. More

  • Whispers about Received Allowance

    Assalamu AlaykumI have a question regarding an assistance allowance i received from an organisation over a 2 year period that helps people who are working or studying. They have specific eligibility requirements in order to receive these payments. Recently I have been overcome with a wiswaas that i did not fullfill these requirements (for eg did not.. More

  • Treating Patients with Hypnosis

    A psychiatrist uses hypnosis. Can a mentally ill person go to this psychiatrist for treatment under the condition that the mentally ill person would refuse the treatment by hypnosis when suggested by the psychiatrist? .. More

  • Whispers Regarding Intentions In Acts of Worship

    Salaam ‘Alaykum. Respected Mashaaykh, if you could kindly do me a favour and answer this question specifically. Thank you very much.Shaytaan comes to me and gives me doubts and whispers regarding my intentions for acts of worship. So I break the intention for the act of worship and make a new one. As I break this intention of mine, I also break the.. More

  • Whispers about Purity

    Assalamualaikum, These days Iam finding islam extremely difficult with regards to matters of purification. Everytime I urinate or defecate I think something has splashed on me and I end up bathing.I also face a problem of urine drops after urination.Due to this problem Iam very depressed to use public toilets.Toilet is very hatred place for me.I spent.. More

  • Vows and Promises Under the Influence of Whispers

    Asalam alikum I hope you will be able to help me. A couple years back I had very extreme waswasa and I thought that multiple things that I was doing was a sin. So For example I would say Im gonna do this to my friends or family and when I didnt do it,, I would repent to Allah for not keeping my word and vow not to break my word again. Another example.. More

  • Committed Kufr and Repented

    i think i committed kufr and repented from it how do i move on it from it psychologically pliz advice i feel like i dont deserve to live in this world .. More

  • Suffering from Depression Because of Not Achieving Goals

    Selaam alaykum,I am a Muslim young male suffering from depression and stress. I have been suffering for a long time that I’m not even testing the sweetness of my life. Alhamdulillah I pray five times a day and stayed away from many temptations and haram things like women, alcohol etc.. and I make a lot of dua’s and prayers. After all I have seen.. More

  • Abortion of Fetus with Down Syndrome

    Can you abort a baby that has down syndrome, since it's a genetic chromosome disorder that can't be cured? usually you can know if a baby have down syndrome between 9 to 12 weeks during pregnancy. .. More

  • Very Obsessed With Whispers

    Assalamualaikum wrwb brother these days i am suffering from alot of waswasRecently i had a waswasa about forming the intention of umrah. To recheck in my heart i told a statement that i am forming an intention for umrah which i denied immediately. what happened then is at several other instances i again repeated the same statement in my mind as if i.. More

  • Whispers about The Impurity of Water

    Assalamualaikum i have been suffering from ocd for quite a long time but recently the hostel i stay in the water supply was contaminated with drainage water so i started using bottled water i stay in hostel for studies but the problem is the people here use that dirty water only and they spread impurity everywhere so when i wash my self with pure water.. More