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599 fatwas

  • A Store Worker Did Not Make Him Pay For Coffee

    My father went to a small store, obtained an item, and stood in line in order to purchase it. The line was long and my father's item was small (cup of coffee), so one of the workers said to him to just leave with it (without paying), so he did that. I assume that the worker was not allowed to do such a thing. I do not feel that this is halaal, as I.. More

  • Has Severe Whispers of Committing Kufr

    Assalamu Aleikum. What should someone do when they don't know if they have committed kufr/shirk? Like when they don't know if what they thought was waswas or their own thoughts, or when they're not sure if what they believe/do is kufr or not, or when they think what they thought/did might have been kufr but they forgot what it was? Should they repent.. More

  • Has OCD about Inflicting People with Evil Eye

    I have ocd about inflicting hasad and evil eye on the people around me.How can i cure this?(Insight would be very helpful) .. More

  • Repeating this Phrase Is Not Prohibited

    Assalamu'alaikum Warahmatullah What is the ruling on singing "I vow to thee, my country" (without the instrument)? .. More

  • Has Whispers About Passing Citizenship Test and Earnings from Work

    Salam alaykoum Years ago I went to pass the test for my citizenship. There are three parts to the test, speaking,reading and writing. In the speaking part they tested my English by asking me some questions about my application and my background, I was also asked 10 question about their history civics which I answered correctly because I was prepared... More

  • She Suffers from Whispers about Kufr

    I have a constant fear of kufr thoughts and actions. I really want to be a Muslim, I know that Islam is the truth, but with every thought, every thing I say and every action I do, I'm afraid that it might have been kufr. Sometimes I know it's just waswas, but other times I'm not so sure. And then I spend a long time thinking about what my intention.. More

  • Selling Gold To Jewellers Who May Use it in Haraam

    Assal?m alaykum warahmatullahi wabarak?tuh What is the ruling on selling gold to jewellers because they use it to make jewellery for women and men is this permissible since women use it as a means of beautification and as for men gold is not permissible to wear. .. More

  • Affected with Whispers and Asks So Many In-Depth Questions

    Assal?m alaykum warahmatullahi wabarak?tuh. ?I would like to know the guidelines pertaining to fish farming Isl?mically are there any rulings as i don't know of any narration that the companions of Ras?lullah SAW did fish farming I'm interested in Organic fish farming. ?I'm from a tropical country one of our staple foods is green bananas [ plantains].. More

  • Saying To Someone: 'Don't Become Ill'

    Assalamu alaykum, when somebody is ill and another one jokingly says to him: "Don't become ill" or "Don't be ill" as if the sick one himself had the ability to not be/become ill, is this considered shirk or kufr, because only Allah can heal and protect from illness? Jazakumullahu khayran. .. More

  • Removing Life-Support Machines from a Brain Dead Person

    Can we pull the plug on a human being if he/she is brain dead living in a vegetative life style ? Jazakum Allah Khair .. More

  • Affected with Whispers While Performing Ablution

    If while performing wudhoo’, i do not know whether the wetness on my body part is from the wetness of my hand that rubbed onto me or the wetness is from washing, then do i follow the principle that i have not washed until i am certain that i have, or do i assume that the wetness was from flowing water? .. More

  • Very Affected With Whispers About Ghusl

    My question is about ghusl, and cleaning oneself from impurities. I suffer from whispers but this problem is not about whispers. when I do ghusl (takes an hour without listening to waswasa) and clean myself from impurities that splash on me (almost daily takes 15-30 minutes after the toilet - I am 100% certain the impurity went there) I only wash each.. More

  • Depressed After Giving Birth and Considers Suicide

    I have been blessed with Baby boy two months earlier. After one month of delivery,my wife started to suffer postpartum depression due to which thoughts of suicidal as well as harming the baby started. We know that its a medical problem.But she is adamant that its a curse from Allah ,may be due to some past mistake , She started to think in this order.. More

  • Suffers from Social Anxiety and Feels Lonely

    I'm 27 years old (male) and I had social anxiety since my childhood, I've been tying to fight it for a very long time. I have this problem because of the treatment i received at home and Society . My younger brother also have this problem and it has probably no solution for it. But still I refuse to accept this, and kept fighting. My best friend suggested.. More

  • Buying A Software Not Knowing the Upcoming Upgrades

    Assalamu alaykum I want to buy a software called corelDraw. The offer is as follows, They sell corelDraw 2019 version which i can keep forever. And they will also provide optional free upgrade to their furture release corelDraw 2020 version when it is released. It is not known what new fetures 2020 version will have. Does this ambiguity render the.. More