Assalam Alaikum Respectable Sheikh, My husband does not want me to increase my Islamic knowledge.. Other days when he does a evil deed, like listening to music & when I dislike it first thing he does is hide my computer , because, online 96% I use it for learning quranic arabic, listening to Mufti Menk, Ask huda programme.. My husband does not pray.. More
I'm a muslim woman, married to a muslim man. I've been the main provider, protector and maintainer of our family. I had to work because my husband wanted to do his own business and he said he couldn't provide for us because his business wasn't making enough money. This situation has continued for 20 years of our marriage. I had to do all the cooking,.. More
Assalamualaikum, Is there any permission for a wife if she want to do a job only for helping is father family or her mother or brother sister? he has her husband, father in law & mother in law . her husband is the only son of his father & mother & not earn a lot of money that he can help his mother in law rather he has his old mother &.. More
My wife and I ran in to trouble because of my ex-wife. Because she was making a lot of trouble my new wife got depressed about it and started talking about a divorce - not because we don't love eachother but because the situation is too complicated. We met to discuss the matter of divorce. On the same occasion we kissed and we were not fighting. When.. More
After ten years of constantly trying (and two kids) I have determined there is no peace left in my marriage. We have both tried our best to overcome our problems yet we are still unable to come to a solution same as the first week we married. I'm taking my husband to court for khulu although he is not accepting, I am finished. I know for men, if they.. More
Assalam Alaikum, I was just wondering if it was acceptable to name my daughter “Ayaah“ ? As some of my friends mentioned that it may not be acceptable as they haven't heard that name used for a girl before. Please advise. JZK
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Me and my wife who are married in islam (she is formally christian and converted) have both committed a major sin TOGETHER multiple times over and I (the male partner) have asked allah for forgiveness and have stopped and as a result I think my wife has agreed to stop. but i know she liked it and was looking forward to it again. The sinful act we both.. More
Salaam my question is pretty complex but i do not know what to do. I have Masshallah been married now for 2 years and Mashallah I felt so blessed, but since marriage my [partner and i seem to argue and always it comes down to money. I am not in a good position and have financial difficulties and prior before marriage same situation but Mashallah Allah.. More
i gave divorce to my wife due to disobeying me, and giving her mother preference over me by listening to her and do as she pleases, and she doesn't sleep with me on her command for several months because her mother doesn't want me to live in the accommodation we jointly hold. i gave her written divorce 2 months back, and now i want to reconcile but.. More
Assalam-o-Alaikum, i get married in Oct 2011 and after 9 months in July 2012 my husband and in-laws send me back to my parents home since that day he did not contact me and after 5 months when my family went to their place to ask them his father said that he has divorced me while he was not present there and after that i have passed my waiting period.. More
Salam alaikoum, About 2 months ago,my husband and I were arguing. During the argument, he told me "Stop acting the way you are acting and go to the other room before I divorce you". I told him,"No,I am not going to go to my room". He said, "You idiot. You just divorced yourself." This incident has haunted me ever since. I have already been divorced.. More
Is Gaye holud (translates to “yellowing of the body.” at night before wedding ceremony ) an islamic culture or a bengali culture ? If it is a islamic culture can you give any evidence from quran & sunnah ? In our country Bangladesh some people mention a hadith to prove that it is an islamic culture. The hadith is:oneday abd al rahman bin awf.. More
Assalamu alaikum, I am two times married man with two children with two different wives. I ran away from my first wife and married to another lying about divorce and first baby. now my first wife is in court with cases and another wife know the truth. she literally hate me now for my behavior and language i use for her for all i had done for her. i.. More
I am a convert to Islam Alhamdulillah. I am married to a practising Muslim Alhamdulilah. I have a problem.. He made some mistakes, talking to other woman online when i asked him not to. He even met one of them at her request.. I found out and forgave him and accepted his excuses, the problem is that i cannot forget. I am afraid now of his actions online.... More