my nephew (muslim) "sharia marriage" a hindu who reverted to islam and prayed and fasted. A year ago she took her mother to india for cancer treatment. There (being alone) she smoked, drank went dicos and had affairs with men and visited mujaras. My nephew left her (now one year). They have a son, who is shared one week each. If we go to law court (as.. More
Alhamdulilaah my wife is pregnant and since then she has trouble breathing through the we discussed this & she asked me to ask someone of knowledge if she can take it off,she didnt want to hear from what i already know of the matter nor did she want to even hear any options that i wanted to suggest e.g finding better quality material and.. More
Al Salam alekum, I was in debate in Islam and there was question regarding the answer to the following translation of the Quran from Al_Tabari Al-Tabari (may Allaah have mercy on him) said: The interpretation of the verse “And those of your women as have passed the age of monthly courses, for them the ‘Iddah (prescribed period), if you have doubt.. More
Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu, I am a Muslim dentist. I got a job in Saudi Arabia as a dentist and migrated here. I got engaged to my cousin(my father's sister's daughter) whose parents had been pursuing me for almost a year. I am supposed to get married to this girl after 3 months. All my life, I have seen her as my sister and I could.. More
i got married to a woman in Canada and i am from UK. when i got married in canada i set a amount set and now after been married for less then two years and lived together for 4 months the the marriage got into trouble and she went back to canada i have responsibilities here in uk .. my old mother and daughter from first marriage and i spend so much.. More
I recontacted because I did not find any cases similar to mine in your answers offered. The triple divorce without intention of divorce was never asked. I would have a precision and an opinion on your part. I Repeat 3 times "I divorce you, I divorce you, I divorce you" three times but in those I did not intend to initiate divorce. I say this with no.. More
salaam aleikoum shaykh, I married at the moroccan consulate in the Netherlands, but they perform 3aqd without lafdh (oral, spoken) but only written and in the 3aqd the adminstrator has written the wali also as a witness, my father was also present. We had a big feast afterwards so it was no sir (secret) marriage but announced very good. Some tullaab.. More
My question is that i wish to know if i am divorced, in march last year.i told my wife to leave the house and not come back, with the intention of divorce, the second time was in july i asked her to calculate her divorce, with my intention being to give her divorce, third time i issued talaq clearly by saying i give talaq. There were also other situations.. More
Asalam alaykum I am in a really serious situation here I got married to a Molana in nov lived with him for 1 an a half month but later in dec found out that him an my sister were having an affair for a few months an that they got nikha done a few months before mine. As from what I've found out my nikha didn't even exist I was living haram with this.. More
Request guidance for parents responsibilities towards a child. A very wealthy God fearing couple very punctual with namaz & rozas have adopted a girl child from wife's sister since birth girl is now 16 years. They are lavishing her with expensive gifts & comforts. The child is treated more or less like a pet as they both travel extensively leaving.. More
My sister In law is in a very tense situation and it seems nobody can give the right answer. She was married to a man 9 years ago and have a 8 year old daughter. He never was religious and never worked. 2 years ago he started talking to another woman and it caused problems In there marriage and he left the house, after she talked to him and they reconciled... More
I want to marry a girl who is hindu. She believes that GOD is one & prophet muhammad is GOD'S messenger. She says, in english we say GOD,HINDI BHAGWAN & in arabic allah, but all means same so after marriage if i say bhagwan like if getting hurt, human tendency then that should not be wrong. She even says that if you want gawahi then i am ready.. More
Salaam. My husband has been seeing other women on and off since we married 10 years ago. In 2011, he met a girl while he was abroad and decided he wants to marry her. His family are not supporting him in this matter as they would prefer him to settle in his home with me and our children. He has not married her yet but talks to her on the phone daily... More
Assalaamu alaikum, I' am 25 years old and happily married to a Student of Knowledge, Haafidh al Quran - all praise is due to Allah! Everything I learned in the last 6 years of my marriage is after Allaahs will, due my husbands help. I could never imagine to live without him. For me I give lectures in the mosques in Quraan, Fiqh, Aqidah. Sisters.. More