I am a married woman and there are many problems between my husband and I, which I fear might lead to divorce. Does this allow me to use contraceptives in order not to make matters more complicated if we have children, especially since I do not feel secure or tranquil with him until now, and he also does not financially maintain me... More
I have a friend who married a girl. Before marriage, he had an agreement with her that she will not work. After the conclusion of the marital contract, she disobeyed him and started working and then asked for a divorce.
What is the Sharee‘ah ruling regarding the bridal gifts and the advanced and deferred dowry, noting that she was the one who.. More
Is it permissible that one deputizes his family to conclude his marital contract while he is absent because he is abroad, while the bride and her family are present?.. More
I am a female student in my third year in the faculty of Geology. We sometimes go on scientific trips, but only I and another girl accompany male students and professors. What is the Sharee‘ah ruling on partaking in these trips? May Allaah reward you... More
Salam alaikum, a year ago I lost my job because I wanted to wear my hijab also at work (I am a revert) and cannot find a job because of my hijab. Now I have to file in bankrupcy, which means people from the court will come and take everything from my home that is valuable. I have a beautiful Persian necklace and 2 persian carpets which I got from.. More
assalamualaikum shaikh one of my friend his name was kiran riverted to islam now his name is Yaseen alhadulillah he is married (as per hindu method) before reverting now he is doing dawa with her wife but yet she is not accepted. in this condition can he servive life with her? can he maintain the sexual relations with her? in case if she is not accepted.. More
I had sexual intercourse with my wife while her menses was not completely over; she still had a few yellowish excretions. What is the due expiation for such a sin, or is it not regarded a sin? .. More
Assalamwalaikum, im married for a year, & my husband stays out of india. i stay with my inlaws in india. however my father met with an accident and i have been staying with my parents for almost 2 months which my inlaws didnt like.. last week i returned my home, but i was worried for my father & also for my husband as he is also not keeping.. More
salam aleikum sheikh.. im asking this question on behalf on somebody else...one man want to marry,and he dosent have any children, but the woman he wants to marry has condition that they can marry but she will never have children with him, because she wants to work and she has one child from previous marriage..is it allowed from this woman to make.. More
Salaam alaikum. One of my friends is getting married to his cousin who happens to be in closer circle of his family. On the request of both the parties, medical Doctors conduct genetic counseling, in which blood samples of would-be groom and bride is taken (before marriage); those blood samples are kept under medical examination in the lab to understand.. More
Salmualykum, I am Moslem Arabic man ,my wife is Moslem Asian good lady, we are married since 27 yearsand and my daughters accordingly now with two nationalities and two cultures. We are living in my wife`s advanced African Christian Country where I am working, far from my home country. Now my daughters are highly educated but they are getting older.. More