Two friends married their son & daughter to each other. The boy was undergoing hormonal treatment for past 6 years prior to the marriage. The treatment was not informed to the girl or her parents prior to marriage. The marriage was done on the assurance of Endocrinologist who said that there are patients with similar background who have got.. More
Dear Mufti Sahab, Asalam-u-Alaikum Me & my mother are going on Umrah from pakistan. Every thing ticket/visa/hotel booking is ready & payment is also handover to concern people. But problem arose here that my father has given divorce to my mother 1 month ago. At that time we are not aware that there is Edat of divorce thus we applied for.. More
Assalamu alaikum, I have a question regarding ''I work at a school as a teacher , so the school has planned to take children (boys and girls) to an educational tour to another city and we are palnning to stay one night there. but I am travelling with a female teacher but we are given seperate rooms to sleep. I wanted to know is it allowed to go with.. More
Dear sir, a (female) friend of mine had entered into an Islamically illegal relationship with a guy about 6 years ago. Only last year had she realized her mistake and broke up with him. But since then, the man obsessed about her had tried to get her back. After repeated failure, he had started blackmailing her that he would show her parents and.. More
assalamu aleikum wa rahmatullahu wa barakatuhu! i married Kurani Hafiz beeng under strong impression that a person who knows Kuran by heart would respect my rights naturally even if i do not know them. but since i married him i start feeling my self as right less creature,who dose not have any rights even to desire some thing. he dose not ask me what.. More
my husband converted to islam 2 years ago. however since his mother passed away last october, he is blaming Allah non stop, crying alot and stopped praying and started drinking a bit. i asked him if he is no more a muslim but he said he is still a muslim i dont know how to handle it and i want to help him but dont know if he will ever be the good muslim.. More
Us Salaamo Alaiqum, We belong to Fiqah Hanfi. My wife went to attend marriage and later stay their for no solid reason we do have some family disputes but those were very minor. i tried all way to explain her and her famliy so that we live in peace but no one listen to me even i vist her and said lets go home but... we have one son as well. i.. More
Assalamu alaikum, If a baby is named with two names e.g fathima asma or rahmath fara. is it permissible to call the baby with either one name or should we address the baby with both the names whenever we call them? pls enlighten me regarding this. Jazakallahu khairen .. More
i am in love with a man for past 9 years. recently i got to know that he is married and father of two. he got married 5 years back. he says that he had to marry because of his mothers pressure with his cousin. he still loves me and wanted me as his wife. all of his family member knows me and including his wife. he says that he would divorce his wife.. More
Assalamualikum, is there any ruling regarding women covering her hair at home when she is alone or in front of her Mahram especially her husband? jazakallahu Khairan.. More
Aslaam Aleikum, i have been married for14yrs and have childern(4) to a man who reverted to islam(from judisim)during these years i have straggle to keep teaching him at the best of my knowledge,salah fasting, manners etc even to seek help from sheikhs to help him and he does agree to get help then after a short while he stops seening whoever is.. More
As saalam Alaikum My wife is staying at her parents home with out my permission and when i gone to take her home she and her father refused to send with me so i had brought my 2 children from her now 12 days had passed she had not telephoned me nor she inquired about our children my both sons are 2 years below, how many days i had to wait for her in.. More
I'm a 41 year old married woman, I have a male friend, also married. Both of us were friends since schooling age. We admire and love each other at that time but we were not fated to get married. Now we concern for each other and we love each other but just spiritual, only for the sake of Allah, because he is a good man. We always get each other's.. More
I was engaged to a girl and we made love for last 4 years.I never cheated her financially, emotionally & our marriage was due in 3 mths. But she cheated me financially & did not listen to me.She never bothered about me or my family but thought only about her family.They got things done from her emotionally although I told her not to do as.. More