Salaamoealeikoum wa rahmatoelah, May Allah reward you with the beste place in the akhira and guide all muslims. My children (3yrs and 6 yrs) are often fighting. I try not to to choose part of anyone, but i just dont know how to react anymore. i try to stay calm, make dua, but it is to often. Please how can i guide my children. How did the prophet.. More
assalamualaykum, dear respected scholar my husband says it is forbidden (haram) for me to laugh loudly in an adjacent room while sitting with my family because his friends will hear me in the room where the men are sitting with him, but he said talking is this true? .. More
I have two sisters; the husband of one of them works as a driver at a bank while the other works in the maintenance department at a hotel that serves wine. My two sisters refrain from eating from the money of their husbands. Is the work of their husbands, and their gains, unlawful? Do they (my sisters) have the right to do so? If yes, is it permissible.. More
my husband has two wives,me being second.i argue when my husband does not come regularly to me giving reasons of tiredness due to office work and i argue when he priases his first wife.he has beaten me many times on my arguments but still i do.what should i do... More
assalamu alaikum.... i m 24yrs old girl... i was in love with one of my friend.. he s also a good muslim.. our parents engaged us.... but now i m in love with a man who is already married... i dnt know whom i should marryy... now i came to know past love is just a infactuation.. i want to live with tha married person... my parents wont allow me.... More
assalamu Aleikum wa rahmatullahu wa barakatuhu! i got married recently and husband says that i should not go out of the home AT all. but doctor told me to do walking in fresh air every day for even 2 hours as i have nerves vomiting. And i feel like going out for walking in fresh air FOR 30 minuets because if i seat at home few days without going out.. More
i purchased 2 goats for aqiqa of my son. one goat died before slaughtering. do i need to buy another goat?should i wait till i buy another goat & sacriice both at one time? .. More
Asalamualikum Hope you are doing good and in best of health. I had a question regarding my husband, who happens to be attracted to feet. He likes to kiss my feet and have me step on him, I have no problem with this, I would like to know if this is permissible. However recently he asked me to step on him wearing shoes (high heels), I dont find this.. More
I am married but none of my family knows about my marriage. Only four of my friends and four of my wife’s friends know about our marriage. Is it (our marriage) permissible? .. More
I want to know how is it permissible for a Muslim man to smile at a non-Mahram (marriageable) woman if there is no fear of any potential temptation, while even looking at her face is impermissible? I have found in some books the detailed description of the woman’s body and looks at the time of the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam. How could.. More
I am a twenty-year-old young man with an illiterate fiancée. I do not mind that (her being illiterate). I have finished high school, I memorize the Quran and I lead people in prayers in the mosque. I am planning to join a university. Is marrying an illiterate woman considered a problem? .. More
I am sorry for this inquiry: is it permissible for two spouses to film their own sexual intercourse so as to enhance their sexual desires, on the condition that they encrypt the disk of that video, which is called digital photography, and no one can have access to its content? .. More
I lost my virginity with my fiancé illicitly and after that he denied it claiming that he did not see any blood then, although he had seen a piece of the hymen. What should I do, given that he has already told people about what happened? I need a way out of this. .. More
What is the Islamic ruling on excessive love between the spouses? Is it permissible to have prolonged love talk between them? Please clarify this issue for men in detail. .. More