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5673 fatwas

  • She lost her divorce papers and wants to marry

    asalam u alikom I was born in an Asian country, when I was 16year of age my family got me to a arraged marrage with a man age of 36. After two month engagements family got as married. He started to abuse me verbally while we were just engaged but I was to young and scard what he is going to do to me and my family. I could not talk to anyone. He.. More

  • Her husband refuses to come back after she kicked him out of her house

    i need to ask about my marriage life, i ve been married from last 8 years my husban used to beat me. i never asked him for divorce was living with him and tried to get on but from last one year he was abusing and saying every day i ll give u divorce i was feeling so insulted and i ask him to leave the house, he left the house in jan this year after.. More

  • He hastened to divorce his wife three times

    Assalamu Aleykum va rahmatullah. I live in Azerbaijan and three months ago got married to the woman from Russia as my second wife. We had some misunderstandings, but the main problem was with the documentation of her baby. The father (who lives in Russia) of baby demanded the baby back, but there was a situation if she gives the baby, she would.. More

  • Her father refuses to marry her off to a suitable man

    assalamu Alikum wa rahmatuallah wa barakahtu A very pious, Allah fearing brother with good character propose to me. The brother is focused on learning his Deen. His passion is to give Dawah. We are both Africans, I am Somali sister and he is Nigerian American. People consider him a good brother. However, when he proposes to me my father did not like.. More

  • She cannot stand her parents-in-law living with her

    As Salam Alai Kum, I am married for a year now. Before i got married my husband and in laws had told that we can live b ourselves. But later thing took a turn and they ended up staying with us. Now its been a year. my husband and i hav fought numerous times regarding any issues relating to my mother in law or otherwise on the topic of living separate... More

  • Her husband said to her ‘I am giving you divorce’ husband said to me i m giving u divorce he said just 1 time bt after few days he repeatd nd said to me divorce two times.nw i want to ask we r still husband nd wife or not??.. More

  • A daughter accusing her father of sexual abuse

    A 14 yr old girl has accused her father of sexually abuse since the age of 9 and also of rape. The mother of the girl says the father has admitted the abuse but not the rape. The father is now flatly denying that anything happened and says the mother has misunderstood what he said. The girl is still adamant that it all took place and by the way the.. More

  • She has herpes and wants to marry

    I am a revert. I have herpes and HPV. I am unmarried. Am I obligated to reveal this to a potential husband and if so when should I reveal it? I am concerned I will be alone forever. .. More

  • Suicide for fear of rape

    What is the ruling on a woman who wants to kill herself for fear of rape? Will she be considered a martyr?.. More

  • Impotence and its implications for a marriage

    What is the ruling on a person who is under an impotence spell and is unable to have intercourse with his wife? Is she entitled to ask for divorce?.. More

  • Drinking one sip of alcohol to try it

    is drinking even one sip of alcohal haram, with the intent of trying only once. .. More

  • A wife should help her husband be kind to his parents and siblings

    Assalam alykoum I have a big problem I can no more communicate with my husband, I am very sensitive and my kids have to support the consequences. The discord is based on the following point : before getting married my husband did not inform me about the situation of his father and its consequences. His father has another wife in Morocco and he has.. More

  • Her husband wants to travel for days and leave her alone

    me and my husband are working in saudi arabia and are basically from india.he has father,mother,3 sisters and one brother.his brother is in america and one sister settled in jeddah in saudi arabia with her 3 children and husband.his second sister got married recently and is now pregnant 9 months.3rd sister is still unmarried and is a doctor in More

  • Her husband broke his promise to take her to live with him

    i am married for 3 years. my husband promised me to move out of jammu after marriage.but now he is totally denying it.after marriage he said ,you keep trying if u get a job i ll come with out of jammu.but now he is not ready for it too.we am living separately for three months now.please help me... More

  • Wants to live with her husband without sexual relation

    What if i want my husband to get married again for the second time, I realized that he is no longer happy with me for many reasons. And I am willing to give him up as I am not happy anymore the way we stay together. But the thing is we have son and I just want to stay with him for my son sake without going thru divorce. Is it possible to stay with.. More