Could you please inform me of the ruling on dressing a little boy in shorts that are above or below the knee, given that such clothes do not correspond with the Islamic dress code according to the Sunnah (Prophetic tradition); they are imported clothing from non-Muslim countries. Is it permissible for the mother to disobey the father if he does not.. More
If a religious suitor who possesses highly refined manners and morals proposes to marry a girl, but she refuses, what is the Islamic ruling in this regard? What is her parents’ role concerning this issue and that of her family? .. More
I am the father of two children whose mother I divorced because of problems. When I married another wife, the latter stipulated a condition for me not to return to the first wife. If I return to my first wife, what is the Sharee‘ah (Islamic law) ruling on the condition of the second wife?.. More
I am married to my cousin (my uncle’s daughter). My uncle has two wives. What is the ruling on my uncle’s second wife: is she Mahram (marriageable) for me and can I see her without Hijaab (Islamic covering)? .. More
I live in Saudi Arabia and my son, a young man, lives and studies in my homeland, Egypt. He knew a girl and had unlawful sexual intercourse with her. She descends from a religiously lenient family. My son is not the first one to have had love relations with her. He wants to marry her even though he is still a student and financially unable to afford.. More
There is a man who married a girl in the presence of a Shaykh in a mosque. The man said to his wife, “You are divorced.” Then, he revoked the divorce during the period of ‘Iddah (waiting period). He repeated this act. Now, he has divorced her for the third time. However, he loves her very much and wishes to revoke the divorce. It should be known.. More
I am newly married. I have made a schedule for me and my wife to memorize the Noble Quran over a period of one and a half years. What is the ruling on delaying pregnancy during this period in order to memorize the Quran? Pregnancy and its pains may affect my wife’s capacity to memorize. .. More
I proposed to a girl who is my colleague at work. She is older than me. Her father expressed his initial agreement but asked for some time to think. During this period, her uncle introduced his friend, who is richer than me, as a suitor. Her uncle was aware of my proposal. Consequently, her father rejected me even though she still wants to marry me.. More
Is it permissible for a man to give up the idea of marriage completely and be patient with the Decree of Allaah especially because he knows that he suffers from impotence? It should be noted that he is twenty-five years old and has never had sexual intercourse... More
I desired to marry a girl studying at the university, whose appearance indicates adherence to religion. As the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, commanded us; I performed Istikhaarah (guidance-seeking prayer). Then, I consulted some of my acquaintances, the foremost of them being the Imaam of a mosque who knew this girl because his brother.. More
I am married to a man who was previously married and has children. He divorced his first wife because she refused to go with him abroad where he works, in addition to many other problems. He warned her that if she did not respond to him, he would marry another woman. However, she did not object, so he married me and I gave birth to our children. Afterwards.. More