salamaikum. my husband is very loving but one day he said talak 3 times to me in anger .we dont want to get seperated. we love each other .its 4 months now .we have become normal now and living as husband and wife.please guide me . we are guilty of what we did. we want to live to gether .please help me.... More
I was divorced three days after concluding my marriage contract without having consummated the marriage. If I marry another man, will it be stated in the marriage contract that I am a virgin or a divorcee? .. More
After the death of my husband I married his nephew who was the husband of my stepdaughter. Is this marriage considered valid under Sharee‘ah (Islamic law)? .. More
After a year of engagement, I discovered that my fiancée had partial sexual relations with someone, who told me about the painful details. She did not deny this when I confronted her. Should I break our engagement and let her go back to immorality or should I conclude our marriage? Please note that she loves me strongly and cannot bear the separation... More
I am a mother of three children and for several years my husband has been telling me that he is going to marry another woman. Although I am his only wife, I do not feel that he fulfils my rights, because he is always either watching TV, sleeping, using the computer or out with his friends and does not return home until 1 a.m. Since I live in a country.. More
I want to marry a divorced woman who is five years older than me. She is a relative of mine and I proposed to her. But I fear that she might compare me to her ex-husband in terms of sexual ability in particular as well as other matters in general. What is the correct way to deal with her after marriage? Noting that I want her as a wife, what do you.. More
I am a 19-year-old woman. I got to know a young man with whom I committed sexual acts but I am still a virgin. Later Allaah guided me and I became very close to Him, so I decided to leave this young man. However, he loves me very much and wants to marry me, and I know that he has become a very religious man. At the same time, another righteous young.. More
I live with my husband in a European country and we performed Hajj last year. During the Hajj journey, we passed by our country and visited my family. Now my brother is going to marry, and I want to attend his wedding, for he is my first brother to marry. However, my husband refuses under the pretext that I already visited my family during the Hajj.. More
I have married with the intention of helping my aged mother. However, my wife currently lives at her family home and refuses to go home with me even to see my mother although I live far away from her house so I can be near my workplace.
Does this invalidate our marriage (noting that I intend to divorce my wife)?.. More
Committed adultery with a muslim married on his promise and assurance of marriage and he planned a flight to the country of his residence and my Fathers (whom I got approval to marry a married man and was waiting to meet him to finish the documentation papers) He travels and returns after failing to meet my father he comes back saying that his parents.. More
salam.i got marrid 3yrs bck and i hv a son.i m livng wd mothr 4last 1.5yr and recently i get khula,as my husband used 2insult me,torture,didnt trust niether support da mean while a man gv proposal 4me 2 my my reconcilliatin wasnt possible so thy talked him..later v talked eachother on phone during court proceedings just 2.. More
Slm. I got married 7 years ago, my wife had some issues with sex and we only consummated the marriage 9 months later. this put allot of strain on our marriage during the 9 months. Some time after the 9 months I gave her a verbal Talaq no witnesses. we never seperated. some months later i gave her a 2nd talaq no witness, we separated and then reconciled.. More