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5673 fatwas

  • Impermissibility of marrying Druze

    I am a Muslim girl. A Druze man whom I love and want to marry proposed to me. Is it permissible to marry him? I want to have information about their creed and everything that is relevant to their life and worship... More

  • Thinking of the second wife during sexual intercourse with the first

    Is it permissible to imagine the second wife while having sexual intercourse with the first one? Is it permissible to imagine any past sexual incident during sexual intercourse? After repenting of past sexual incidents, will the person be held accountable for imagining them? Is the imagination of fantasies such as imaginary stories permissible? Please.. More

  • Better not to know a girl’s opinion before a formal proposal

    Is it permissible to know the opinion of a girl whom I want to propose to? Her father told me, “Think about the matter and do not delay.” However, I do not know her opinion; perhaps she has no idea about the matter. I do not want to propose to her and then be informed that she does not accept me. Her father informed me that the matter is still.. More

  • Ruling on marriage based on intention

    There is a sick person in Germany who cannot start a family, due to his illness. He said that he wants to help a girl in an Arab country obtain the right of residence in Germany before his death. He does not intend to consummate the marriage. According to him, all that is for the sake of Allaah, and he does not want any compensation. Is this permissible?.. More

  • Wife refusing to participate in household expenses

    Is it permissible for a working wife who feels that her husband covets her salary to stop working because she is not willing to financially assist her husband? She wants her salary to be spent on her personal expenditures in lawful means... More

  • Better for a widow to live with her family

    I am a twenty-four-year-old woman; I have been a widow for three months. I decided to leave for Amman to live with my mother-in-law. She has sons who all live abroad, except one who is married and lives with her in the same house. Her sons visit her every year. They gave me a solution, which is to live in a separate home with my children; but in the.. More

  • Marrying a man whose father had committed unlawful sexual intercourse with her

    All praise is due to Allaah, some time ago Allaah The Almighty guided me; however, before my repentance, I had an unlawful relationship with a man who was older than me. He exploited me and I fell into sin. I ended this relationship. The son of that man, who has good morals, intends to marry me. I think I cannot find anyone better than him for me... More

  • Ruling on having an engagement party

    I would like to ask about having an engagement party before concluding the marriage contract. It will not include any intermixing between the sexes or music. It will be a party between the two extended families in order to know each other. Men and women will be in separate places, while the latter will not let men hear their voices; rather, some Islamic.. More

  • You have a choice after repenting

    I love a girl who also loves me, and I promised to marry her. However, I discovered a defect in her; she has bad breath. I told her about my concerns and that I wholeheartedly would stand beside her. I took her to some doctors in an attempt to treat her. However, her case did not get better. I kept this matter a secret and did not inform any of my.. More

  • Describing a man as a husband has no effect

    I have some friends who were about to fall into a great problem that would have caused the imprisonment of one of them. I have a relationship with one of those men and we are to be married. I had to announce before the people present that he is my husband, in order to solve the problem, which was related to me. Accordingly, the problem was solved.. More

  • Accepting a suitor having contact with Jinn

    I am a twenty-eight-year-old girl. A young man, whose religiousness and deep religious knowledge was admired by my family, proposed to me. He observes prayers at the Masjid. Once, he was talking to me on the phone and said that he knows everything about me, even the moles on my body. When I asked him what he meant by that, he told me that there is.. More

  • Difference in nationality does not justify the refusal of a suitor

    A young man from a different Arab country than mine, who is religious and has high morals, proposed to marry me. However, my parents refused him because we are from different countries, even though he provided all guarantees: home, work, and residence in his country. I am satisfied to marry him and want to know whether my family will bear a sin for.. More

  • Self-confidence entails avoiding the devil's deception

    What is the Sharee‘ah ruling when a girl goes out with a non-Mahram young man with a sincere intention of marrying him? It should be taken into consideration that the girl is religious and wise and young men cannot deceive her. .. More

  • Favoring one wife over the other…a Sharee‘ah viewpoint

    I have a second wife who is a teacher. I do not know anything about her salary and she does not bear any of her expenses. Is it permissible to give my first wife an allowance if she asks me in order to fulfill some of her needs?.. More

  • Leaving the house while her husband is in a coma

    Is it permissible for a woman whose husband is in a coma since long ago to go out in the company of a Mahram, such as her nephew, to places such as the market, Al-Masjid Al-Haraam, the hospital, and so on? .. More