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5673 fatwas

  • Feels attached to a young man and unable to marry anyone other than him

    assalamualaikum i am in love with a guy who was at my school its over 8 years now but i can't forget him n anyone talking about my proposal i am thinking about him n getting nervous thinking about it that how will i live with someone else i cry sometimes n pray to Allah subhanawatala for meeting him forever for somemonths now i had been in contact.. More

  • What to say when slaughtering the ‘Aqeeqah

    I wanna know the prayer(dua)for aqiqa.Can I do by myself or I have 2 ask someone else. .. More

  • His wife’s aunt spoils the relationship between him and his wife

    My wife left home and took the kids after minor argument with my mother. On the way to her aunts house she paniced and was not feeling well (probably she knew she was doing wrong) so she went to hospital. We had problem before but when her aunty came to take her away from me, wife admitted it was her fault and she will not leave me, so aunty felt.. More

  • Men participating in matches with women

    aoa wr wb, in the name of Allah the most beneficent the most merciful. i play a sports for which i joined a league. now in that league i have matches against the opposite gender. i am confused for either to go for those matches or not to. i feel islam prohibits me for that but at the same time also the feeling that its just a match. same like some female.. More

  • Her Muslim husband married another wife to have children

    i am scottish and my husband is turkish, we have been married almost 13years, i am infertile and therefore we have no children, my husband became engaged to a turkish girl in december 09 (he only knew her for 4 hours before this) he has now just come home from turkey and has gone thru a marriage in the mosque only and i suspect she may already be pregnant... More

  • He lived with her after making the Quran as witness to their relationship

    AsSalaam o Alaikum, A Muslim woman and a Muslim man were in love and they were in a situation where they were about to commit zina and before that due to fear of Allah the man took QURAN and made the Quran as witness to accept the Girl to be his wife. As the girl ,was not agreeing to be married at that time due to her family and other legal issues... More

  • Married in court against the will of her non-practicing family

    Assalamalaykum, I have a court marriage with my wife. We used to study in the same university and developed a liking for each other. I dropped out of university and became religious. She too, became religious but was still studying. Her family had a big problem with this as they were very modern and hence blamed me for influencing her. I proposed.. More

  • Wearing Hijab in hot weather affects her health seriously

    I am very frightened about my neurological illness. In Bosnia I lost most of the use of my right side. I have been battling these worsening symptoms for 5 years. I am also having problems with my eyesight. I don’t feel courageous at all right now. The neurological attack I had in Bosnia came after Jummah Prayers. It was very hot and I was covered.. More

  • Her husband is homosexual

    my husband is gay and i have a 3 years old daughter. I am totally dependent on my husband for living. I live in Canada and do not know what to do. He goes to gay clubs every week. I asked a lawyer about the legality of my divorce and she mentioned most probably he can take my daughter from me because I can't provide her with a decent living. I must.. More

  • Has two Christian children and wants to marry a Muslim man

    I am a divorced Christian woman with two children from my first marriage. I have been seeing a Muslim man who wants to marry me and has told me he wants me to give him two children of his own seed. He has also told me his children will be raised as Muslims. I do love him and I think he is a wonderful man. If I am raising the two children I already have.. More

  • Wants to marry another wife to solve his financial problems

    salam alaykum i am a practicing Muslim married to 2 wives and have children with each wife,recently i went trough lots of problems with my second wife and tension with my first wife i also have lots of financial issues and my business is very bad,i been advised to marry again because of a hadith about a man who went to rasool sw and complained about.. More

  • His wife suspects him and behaves badly towards him

    Salam, I have been married for four months now and we have been having problems. When we got engaged it turned out that my wife did not want to see me. I did not know this until 2 months of our marriage. On the day of the wedding she would not let me get near her. This went on for three days so I talked with my family who told me to talk to her parents... More

  • Wants to marry his fiancée without the knowledge of her parents

    Assalam walekum I am in love with my fiancee with whom I got engaged few months back with the consent of both the families. It was an arranged affair. our families selected us for each other. Marriage date was not fixed till that time. now when my parents are willing to fix a date as its not good to delay marriage after engagement, the other party.. More

  • His wife got angry with him and refuses his call to bed

    Esselam alaykoum, I was talking to my wife about our financial issue then I wanted to explain to my her some payments details by writing on a whiteboard and she got very upset and she said to me: "This is an insult" and she still accusing me that I insulted her and asking me for apology. She even refused to have sexual intercourse with me and she.. More

  • A widow demanding her delayed dowry after her husband’s death

    my husband's father died six months ago. his wife (who is not my husband's real mother) has asked that the family give her the other half of her dowry. is she entitled to this since her husband died and did not divorce her? i feel like she is just being greedy but we do not want to do anything haram by her. we want to do everything by the Qu'ran. please.. More