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5673 fatwas

  • Claiming that women's earnings are unlawful

    Dear Brother Assalamulaikum, Recently one of the Islamic institute issued a fatwa , that women's earning ( Halaal money earn by women are not acceptabe . it is haram) is it correct . Please explain in light of Qur'an & Hadeeth JazakAllah bil Khair Br. K.P.Mohamed.. More

  • A Muslim husband leaving his wife with his Muslim friend's family

    Assalamou alaykoum, Please helps us, Can my husband let me with their Muslim family friend in their house during his absence (2-3 days), is it Halal in Sharia or no?, we are living in USA, I don't have family in this country , no children at my home. my husband said me that he feels is Haram but I don't believe , please clear this matter for us Jazakoum.. More

  • His mother abandoned his father after 65 years of marriage

    my mother abondened my father after 65 years of marriage ,he is notdisabled not sick .My mother says she want to live by her self she tired of loocking after him , she wants tolive by herself .we live abroad we share him between 2 brothers in 2 differnt countries.Does my mother has the right to do this to my father after all this years toghters ,and.. More

  • Needs Khul' to rid herself of her negligent husband and his abusive family

    As salamualaikum,my sister got married to a muslim,divorcee teacher by profession the reason he gave for the divorce was he alleged that the girl was squarely to be blamed and as usual disown any misdoing by him or his family and said they are innocent my dad did send some relatives to confirm if the divorce was final some communication gap was there.. More

  • She can not stand living with her in-laws

    `Assalamalaikum,i wish to get the best advice from here.iam married for 2yrs now and from the first month itself my inlaws had problems with me.i tried listening to every possible thing of theirs including cooking,respecting them,loving my husband and the other members.but there was always a conflict between husband used to support me in the first.. More

  • She and her cousin are obliged by their parents to marry each other

    asalamalikum my parents r forcing me to get married to my cousin.whom i dont like.and told them several time that i dont want to marry him.if i say no in my nikha they will kill me...i even told the guy to leave me coz i dont like him..his parents warn him that if he breaks the engagement they will be very rude to him..we both cant leave each other.. More

  • Her husband seems unhappy with her being overweight

    Beauty: Assalamulaikum I have had a love marriage and am married to my husband for last 7 year. I have hamdulillah, by the race of Allah 3 children. Before my marriage and before i gave birth to my kids I was thin as any normal young girl, but due to the bithr of my children I have relativly gained weight which I am not able to help myself with. I have.. More

  • A mother asking her son to sleep with his wife and his son in the same bed

    assalamoalikum i just wanted to know what if mother of a son after his marriage ask the man & his wife to sleep in the same room & on the bed with his son. what is the ruling of islam on this?.. More

  • She sees no good reason to stay with her abusive and unfaithful husband

    Dear Sir, I am married for last 6 years and have 3 children, 2 boys and a girl(4yrs, 2yrs and 5 months old). Since my marriage I had many arguments with my husbands which ended up him rasing his hands on me hitting me very bad. Mostly the arguments were due to my husband not being loyal to me, not taking care of myself and the kids, not even trying.. More

  • Her husband mistreats her and spies on her

    Salam Brother i recently got married to my husband last summer. Now that he got his visa to the united states he had changed on me. We argue almost everyday. I try to become a better wife but its hard when he is too controlling. He doesnt repect me in front of his family. He would not call me by my name when he is around people. He would sometimes slap.. More

  • He is hesitant to marry the woman he loves after she told him about her past

    I am a 25 yr muslim guy in love with a 25 yrs muslim girl from past 1 and half year and we want to get married, We could not control our nafs and had physical relation (not had intercourse),problem is i cannot tell about my relation to my family since i got my elder sister's to get married,The girl whom i wish to marry had a prior long term relationship.. More

  • He can not forget the sinful past of his wife

    ASWK. With ref to my Q: 2261281 and related Fatwa: 133685, on 29.3.2010. There is more to it. As you asked me to forgive my wife about her having an affair before our marriage with the man who is wakil in my marriage on my behalf. But, I am sad to bring it to your notice that she had telephonic conversations with that man even after 16 months of our.. More

  • He is worried about his wife's son from a previous marriage

    Assalamalaykum, My wife is having a son from previous marriage. I work in saudi arabia and i have three children, my wife visit me and go after every six months now she stayed one year and and lefto india as the boy used to stay with her aunt cannot stay as they dont want to keep him. what is my rights for the boy as he is very good and studious he.. More

  • He converted a Hindu girl to Islam and wants to marry her secretly

    Assalamu alaikum, brother if you can reply to this soon inshaAllah. there was a girl in my college. she was hindu. we were in touch, and now thru me she has accepted islam, and i want to get married to her, but for now she is in india and i stay in United Arab Emirates. and we dont want to enter into some haram relation and so we decided to get married... More

  • His in-laws urged his wife to ask him for Khul'

    AOL, I hope you will be fine by the grace of ALLAH and also with my prays. Hazrat my question is that my wife has gone to thier mother home since last 4 1/2 months and wants KHULA I and my family contacted with her and her family but all of them refused to her live with me whereas my wife loves my too much and never be with out me same as my conditions... More