Assalamualaikom my elder brothers in Islam. I think I am already quite familiar to you due to my previous inquiries including my recent question (no. 2267640) which i am still waiting the response to it. I've been in long distance relationship with a Muslim girl in almost 5 years and adding my 2 years with her in my college days. Last year, my parents.. More
Assalam-o-alaikum, My question will be, i have heard that four people including husband, father. brother, and son of a women who do not offer hijab will be punished. Can you pls guide me with the reference if there is such hadith. I would like to have complete reference of the hadith book in this regard. Jazak Allah Khairan
.. More
Assalamualaikum, I am from Bangladesh. The number of suicide of girls (victims of stalking) has been increasing in my country.Young boys find it very amusing to tease girls and it has become their habit. They use unseemly and vulgar words towards girls whoever want. I know islam has certain rulings concerning the modest dress of a woman and also the.. More
Hi, As- Salamu-Alaikum. I have a question regarding Maher. During my marriage, My in-laws set Maher too high and it was not communicated with my family in a proper manner. I came to know about the amount on the stage when the imam was conducting the marriage ceremony. i panicked but couldn't say anything because i wanted to save my mother-in-laws [she.. More
Asalam-o-Alikum brother/Sisiter Here is my situation I am from Pakistan and have been living in Canada for 12 years now. I am 27 years old now and I work in Pearson Internation Air port as a n assisstant supervisor manager (AVIA-Mngr). I get paid very well thanks to ALLLAH (SWT) - 70 Grand yearly income.I pray 5 x a day and try my best to follow MUhammad.. More
May Allah bless u.I have been married for three years now after three years my husband told me that he had comitted zina before marriage.As a result the woman became pragnant,After pragnancy they did nikah,but before delivery he divorced that woman,after divorce she gave birth to a boy 1,Is the child Halal or Haram ,as nikah was done after pragnancy.. More
How do I know which The Holy Quranic Surah's name I can keep as my baby's name. I choose couple of them, can you please let me know are they good or not. " Naba " " Mai'dah" " Ma'arijj" .. More
Asslamu Alaikum,
Dear Sheikh,
It is a tradition in my hometown for the groom to go to bride's house after marriage. The groom will live in the bride's house and will give money for food for the entire family. The house will legally belong to wife. I read that during Prophet's time, bride used to go to husband's house after marriage. Is this tradition.. More
Many women breast-feed their young male relations so that they and their kids may be allowed together alone later on in their life. Recently, two Saudi clerics advocated extending the practice to unrelated adult males. As part of Islamic law, men and women are forbidden to be alone together, unless they are blood relatives or have established maternal.. More
-i have a disability in my righ leg (20%)but i can walk and do my job normally.
-i tried to contacte with arab girls for marriage but they refused because of my disability but i knew a lot of girls (not moslim)and no problem to marry any one of them.
-so what s your advice to do cause i want to marry and have childrens
not: i live in canada.. More
My husband not interested to earn money and he is not interested to take responsibility of me and my son.what i have to do.
I have tried n number of trial and even i m taken loans also for him still he is not interested to take responsibilities.
what i have to do... More
Hello. I have two questions. My husband is muslim and I am christian. We have both been married previously, and we both feel very lucky to have found each other. We are best friends. I realize that if we have children they must be raised muslim. I think that there are very many beautiful things about islam, but I don't agree with everything. We don't.. More
Assalamu 'aleykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh!
My question is the following:
There are couples who are new in Islam.
The husband three times announced Talaq while they were quarreling. Example, one day in quarrel he said talaq, next day - again, and third day - once more, without the knowing the consequence of that, without the knowledge the rules.. More
Assalamo Alaykum dear scholars, Kindly I want to put forward my question about mahr: 1. Who stipulates the amount of mahr, the Wali or the girl who is going to get married? 2. If the Wali fixes an amount of mahr but the bride does not agree to this amount, then is this mahr valid? Wa Jazakum-Allah Khayra!!.. More
my sister in law got married with a muslim man and after living with him for 04 days she ran away with a non muslim man and then after 04 years she came back with her non muslim child then she told she has many problems with that noon muslim man and then after 04 years she came back with her non muslim child then she told she has many problems with.. More