Assalamu Alykum
My sister lives in UK (without mahram with her) and use to work in KFC (Serving Halaal food). The KFC administration requires from its workers to abide by their Dress Code which is not according to Islamic Shariya.
My sister send me some money earned in KFC. Is it permissible for me to use this money while I know she earned them while.. More
My Arabic husband of three years (marriage by Sharif), was going through some legal issues in the US and could return home. He is very stressed, walked out on me saying he wanted no responsibilities and wanted to enjoy his life without me. I supported him financially. He came into some money and changed. I am heart-broken. I have no Muslim/Islamic family/frie.. More
I am currently serving my iddat in'sha Allah in either a khula or a talaq. I think I am in an irrevocable iddat as my husband divorced me twice before years ago. Last week my husband informed me that If I desire a khula I may take it and he will grant it. I htought hard about it and prayed istakhara. I do not regret my decision to take it and it is.. More
Asalamu aleikum. I am 21 years old living at home. At the age of 18 I met a Muslim (from those who curse the companions of the Prophet SAWS) at my college and we fell in love. He wanted to ask for my hand but my dad refused to meet him. I begged my dad to meet him just once but he said he to keep dating him as long as there is nothing serious between.. More
Assalamu Alaykum,
I'm married to my cousin in an arranged marriage performed very much against my wish. I have had too much negative vibes / feelings about her physical compatibility (Chemistry) from the first time I saw her after our Nikkah. My marriage has been a big mujjahhada for me.
Situation 1:
My wife had gone home and I had to bring her.. More
Assalam o Alaikum I am a salafi and ask and trust the fatawas for any issue from the following website from Saudi Arabia. I am going to marry a girl from Pakistan that belongs to hanafi deobandi maslak. Today's Hanafi deobandi ulama are misguided and do a major haram thing by giving fatwas only on sayings of their imam. and in.. More
Assalamu alaikum, me and my husband live in european country and we dont have enough money to live in own house so we live at my parents house. my husband is studying this languge and helping my parents at them work. he is depressed, tired and sometimes angry about this situation and he complains much, but i cant do anything about it. I am diabetic.. More
Bismillaah Assalaamu Alaikum Warahamatuhlahi Wabarakatuh! My husband is very upset with me about always having 'problems' with others over the years. These problems often consist of me being correct in some kind of disagreement according to my husband but he is annoyed that I have these 'problems' in the first place. Is it really rare for people to.. More
Is it haram to a man to marry his wifes niecedaughter? To have both women in Nikka at the same time? Because I know that you cant be married to a aunty and niece at the same time? So how about her daughter?.. More
I am an eductaMy husband psychologically tortures me. He says a lot of bad things about my late mother, brother, sisters and father. I have two kids but he questions my nobelity. Thought, I have lived a very chaste life otherwise I could have chosen a partner at my own. I m living abroad where I do not have a single relative to talk to. Staying in and.. More
i am married to my husband&from day one i never got my rights,i even had kids even then i suffered husband would come&go&sweet talk me&sometime i would get angry but not alway.for days he not came around&there was no foods in the house&it been nearly 4 weeks like i thought if he not going to do it i better get.. More
Selam aleikoem, please answer on my question. I 'm conferted muslima who married 10 years ago to a muslim from Senegal. We were married for 8 years and a half for the mosque and 2 years later we married for the commune. Since 2009 we devorce for the law and we live separted. This man is still coming to my house and is telling me that our marriege is.. More
Assalamu Alykum. I request you to please let me know the sharia ruling with regard to my situation. I have been married for over 15 years now. I have no kids.Except the past 7 months, I was always living and working alone in different cities /countries while my wife used to live with my parents at my home in my home country. I used to periodically visit.. More
Asalamualaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu. I'm a single mother of three, my ex-husband does not in anyway contribute financially towards the upkeep of the children. I'm struggling financially with mountains of debt. Due to my daughter's health problems I cannot work. My question is can I stop him seeing the kids until he agrees to support them? I.. More
I am a convert to Islam, i have been trying for the past 4 years to guide my husband, a born Muslim to live up to Islam and to stand for what he is as head of the house. To no avail, i end up getting hurt all the time, when i talk to my husband about Islam, encouraging him to do what is right and to live in the ways Allah (SWT) wants us to live, then.. More