Sir, I need to know about right way of giving talaq in Islam. My husband said first talaq through sms when I was pregnant through mobile sms, the second talaq said after ten days of first talaq without ruju and reconciliation through email. He was in much anger and i was not at any type of fault and just requesting him to take me back. after second.. More
Assalam oa alikum 1 - After khula (talaq bain), If he divorce her again within her iddah, this is not a valid divorce as khula has voided the marriage contract already and she was no longer his wife. is this correct ? 2 - If parents forced their daughter to sign khula papers else she will have rotten relations or even face an explusion from the house.. More
Assalamo Alikom Wa Rahmato Allah, I hope you are in the best of health Inshallah. I am 19 years old and I have been engaged for 10 months now. My fiance and I plan to get married next year Inshallah after I finish college. We are very close to each other. We both live on the opposite parts of the world- I live here, and he lives in the Middle East... More
my situation is that i have 3 children of which 2 are disabled and have been told by doctors that there is a 75% chance of any future children being disabled. so am i allowed in islam to have a vasectomy... More
Salamu alajkum what should a wife do if she knows that her husband is doing zina but he denies that strongly although the wife has clear facts? they are already 40 years in marriage. since she knows about his zina, she does not take care of him like she did earlier. Is this sin for her? Thank you for your answer .. More
Assalamu alaikum.Our daughter has got a proposal from a religious family.He is also religious, educated and of good moral charector.But he has white patch of vitiligo on his hand.This may become generalized making whole body white in later life and can also affect their children by 30%.This is rare.Can we move ahead with the proposal or is there evidence.. More
Aslm alkm, i have two wives and till now im justifying equaly. but my first wife left me and took my three kids and sent a court notice saying that she want to live separately from me and i tried to call her but she refused to come back now she is away from me(800 km from my place) past two years and every month i use go to see her and kids and stay.. More
Asselam weaelykum.I do have a relative who had been married for the past 10 years. She has an 8 years old girl. She had spent for seven years with her family with out nefeqa of here husband while he was leaving abroad. She was leading her life with her daughter by working herself. After his return from abroad, she started leaving with his family because.. More
Asalamualikum, I was taught in many fiqh classes that when someone marries a girl or a boy the father in law and mother in law become Mahram after marriage consummation. If someone marries a woman or a man their daughters and sons from previous marriage become Mahram right away. Now when I read in many fatawas, they all become Mahram before marriage.. More
if a husband and wife after 20 years of marriage and in their mid fifties,have discord because the husband verbally abuses her and physically threatens her and has hit her.finally after a serious act of violence when he hit her hard on the head and kicked her, she still kept quiet and talks only when necessary. is this sinful.? He is very quick tempered.. More
Assalaamu alaikum, My parents are not muslim. they were not married when i was born. my dad was not around much when i was growing up. i was raised by my mom and my grandparents (my mom's parents). so they gave me my mom's father's name. now that i am muslim, i am wondering if it's ok to keep this name or do i need to change my name to my father's?.. More
Asalam alykom
I left the marital home after my husband was continuously violating my rights, he took my passports, he kept me in isolation alot of the time (i live in his country and have no family of my own), he refused to talk and discuss with me, I made clear to him on three occassions the reasons why I was unhappy and distressed. He agreed to change.. More
Asaalmalakum My sister in law has asked her husband for a divorce, after been together for 13 years and had two children. In that 13 years he has not worked one day to support his children and his wife.he has been travelling to the middle east when ever he wanted to for long period of time up to 2 -3 months. He has played no role in bringing up the.. More
if a boy and a girl are engaged i-e have marriage promise.on the basis of engagement they started calling relations in the presence of people ,these relations actually come into being after nikah.for example the boy says my father is your father in law and two or more people hear it,similarly the girl says your sister is my sister in law and the.. More
Asalamualaikum...i came across this Surat (AL-Nur-verse 60 "Such elderly women As are past the prospect of marriage,- there is no blame on them if They Lay aside their (outer) garments, provided They make not a wanton display of their beauty: but it is best for them to be modest: and Allah is one who sees and knows all things".Can u kindly explain what.. More