If a wife is very caring etc but has no envy to have sexual intercourse. is that a valid reason to separate from her? is it true that Allah's throne trembles when there is divorce?.. More
Assalam alaikum
I am a 27 yera ol unmarried man and i am emotionally involved with a female marreid cousin of mine who is a victim of forced marriage ,her parents imposed a husband on her without her consent in 2007,she has no kids yet.she wants khulu(separation)from her husband as she is not fullfiling his due rights ,she tried a lot to be good wife.. More
Salam aleikum A year ago I married a man and after a time he told me he follows sufism. As I am a new muslim I didnt know what that was. He is following sheikh Amin bin Abdur Rehman under silsila idrisia in multan pakistan. I feel strongly in my heart that I cant follow his path that he is demanding me to so now we are separeted. Its the first talaq... More
Please advise. My dad have two other wife and in event of his death do I as the only son have to take responsibilities to his other two wife and my siblings?Pls let me know.. More
Aslamo Alaikum. I think in my mind that if I do "that" act again with in fifteen days my wife would be divorced for me. But I did it and broke my oath with in fifteen days. Nobody knows about this. I just think it in my mind not pronounce it. What is the status of my wife now. .. More
Asalamwalaikum Shiekh. I am engaged and its been a year alhamdulilah.at times i miss my fiancee a lot , and i mean a lot ... at time i feel miserable and i get feelings and i m not able to figure out what to do .. i hug my pillow tight and go on huggin it .. i feel load on chest and on my body .. i feel like lettin it out .. i told a friend about.. More
dear allahmah , my name is hussain zaheer shah s/o agha fakar alam shah from karachi belongs to deobandi maslak. i was marride with rubina khan d/o yaqoob khan in karachi in 2/1/2004 it was totally love marrige but my parents did not accept this marrige because she was elderabout 7 years and divorced from ex hasband and 2 children from ex hasband ... More
My Husband of 8 years left me and moved out of the country. Leaving me with all the bills, morgage, ect. I have to work two jobs and it still is not enough, I have to reley on my children. First he left because of work, then when he was gone he said it was because of money, the children then me. A differant excuse. Is this right??? I have not spoken.. More
salam aleikum.. i have one question to ask. My husband will travel away from me for about 6 months and in this time he say that i cant have any other color on my hijab but black and white. His reason for this is because he say that im very beautiful and when i have other color than theese colors he say that many men look at me. My question is. Does.. More
assalamo alaikom i wd like to knw where its permissable for a woman with full hijab and permission of her husband to earn money through teaching females only to drive ie driving instructor... More
salamo alaikom does the man have a right to deny his wife the right to have children if she has been married bfre and has children frm her previous marrige thus the issue that he cant fully satisfy her also and abuses her and her children to the extent that she regrets marrying him.in a situation like this wt can she do as she dsnt want to go though.. More
Asalamualaikum. How does Islamic law interpretes a man bringing his 8 year old son, on his wedding night to sleep on the same bed togehter with his new wife? When he had 2 other rooms in the same hotel where his older children (ages 13 to 27) were staying. It is natural & acceptable for his new bride to get very upset & not agreeing to that.. More
I have been married 7 years, I Live in US, My wife from middle east, both from same culture.She has left several times and is always depressed and unhappy because we are not rich and her friends are. I have been working hard and give her as much as I can, but sometimes money is very tight.She believes she can be more successful on her own and refuses.. More