a woman in our community was sexually abuse as a young child at home by a family member and spoke nothing of it to anyone till now. she has put it behind her and has a good haapy life now, but yet she still lives in the same house as the abuser although after the 1 incedent nothing of this nature has again occured. i am angry she still lives there and.. More
my husband gave me divorce at night and the second morning he dave me another divorce. do they count as one?
he then gave me another divorce 2 years later.
and then he gave me another divorce last year.
he is telling me that they all count as 2 divorces. the first tow counts as one and the last one did not count because he was really high.. More
Me and my wife have Allhumdulliah been blessed with 4 children out of which one is specially challenged. In these circumstanses we do not want to have another child as the specially challenged child has certain cardio birth defects and requires time to take care . Is it premissable in these circumstances to do irreversable birth control... More
salam alikom ,Before marriage my hus was in love for 7 yrs with one girl but then her parents refused,,later on asked for my hand he told me all the story .After one year i had a feeling he was still in contact with her i asked him several times he denied i happened to find her num,n found it on his fon with a different name so i wont know ,we had a.. More
I am a religiously committed Muslim man and recently engaged with a religious knowledge able lady. Now the problem is, I want she stop using internet after Nikaah as I have some doubts in my mind due to many evils on internet and I fear this may create problems between us after marriage, she want to get Islamic knowledge and I am ready to provide her.. More
Aslam o Alaikum Sir,
My question is that I adopted one boy in 1982 and make his passport to join me in Saudi Arabia with my name and also adopted one girl from my real brother same situation of her passport also. Boy is married and living now in home country while girl is studying both are under my name. While I am always calling since beginning as.. More
My father in law died four months back. We went for funeral to Pakistan from UK. I returned, my husband stayed till 40th. Now he doesn't want to leave his mother alone although he had other brothers there as well. He doesn't want me bak. We are happily married for 11 years but have no children. His mother is not leaving him and asking him to marry here... More
Assalamu 3alaikom wr wb; I'm married with a non-muslim woman, and she lives abroad; I want her to come and live with but to do so, she'll have to make her "shahada"without trully believe in islam, just to have a muslim certificate; So, my question is...if she do so, have I any responsability in what she'll do after her shahada?(not wear hijab,not.. More
Salam Walikum,
My name is Faisal Muzaffar, i got married to this nice lady doctor .but 6 months aftere our marriage i came to know that she is suffering from a disease and cannot be a mother.
we still did not care aboyut it and my family treated her like queen.
But with my age the desire was getting styronger for child and i got married while i.. More
As Salam alaikum. I am from Canada & live with my parents & brother. I recently got married & it’s exactly 6months to our wedding. My husband is from INDIA & I am sponsoring him here. I stayed with him for 10 days in India. This proposal was clearly posted in Newspaper that I am a Canadian immigrant & working lady & that what they liked as the first.. More
I just read on your website that it is forbidden for a woman to live alone. However, I live alone in my own house with my two daughters since I am divorced and have no family in this country. I don't want to go back to my native country which is in the west. Am I sinful?.. More
Dear Faculty,I have read in few islamic sites that a wife cannot change her Family name with her Husband's name which is HARAAM in Islam.For example, as my name is Atif so can my Wife change her name as SAMRA ATIF instead of her previous name SAMRA MAZHAR SINDHU. Please clarify it?
.. More
Asalam Alikom wa Rahmtuallah Wa Baraktuh.
It has come to my families attention, that one of my male step grandchildren, has been sexually abused by their Maternal grandmother.
The child is only 4 years old, and tells of having being asked to undress, then his grandmother has played with his genitals.
The Grandmother had admitted to her ex husband.. More
Assalamo alikom, i live in the UK,married to a 60 year old british convert, she works as a secretary in a mosque, masha allah she is very active in dawa work which is part of her secritarial job, she has a small office with closed door and a window, the door can be opened at any time.
i trust my wife fully but
sometimes it makes me very angry when.. More