I got nikah'ed almost two years ago against the will of my Inlaws.last January my mother in law forced my husband to divorce me. For the whole year in between our Nikah and January this year , she has spent Day and Night screaming at him, blackmailing him, kicked him out of the house more than a couple of times. During this period she has had an Angina.. More
Asslam Aliakum, I am a muslim and wanted to marry a muslim girl. Her parents laid a condition that If I buy a brand new house, they would accept me for marriage. After two years of hard working I was able to buy the house. I went back to them this time they laid a SECOND CONDITION on me that I will have to put the house on her name before they could.. More
My question is that I have a very unique name, Ghausia. I know it is derived from the name of the saint Ghaus Bab ul Haq, but I read somewhere that it has a poor meaning. I know that this often results in a bad effect on the person, but I'm perfectly fine. However, I want to know that do I need to change my name? It's served me well my entire life,.. More
salaams.I want to spend my time in the path of allaah as much as possible like dawaah,social activities,etc.Alhamdulillaah,I have all we need in this capitalist world from money,status,Job,good wife,2 kids with a busy life and good health.I live in UK and dont have much social support personally.I am hesitating for more children as that would definitely.. More
My son died. The widow taken my grandson and granddauther to her father home. Now I had two son, wife and one drandson and one granddauhter. Whther I should bear all the expenses of my granddaughter and grandsons and the widow? When I could take custody of my grandson and granddaughter? I hear that grandson and granddaughter has no Inheritance of their.. More
I am a homosexual male(I am not Muslim) and my close friend is a Heterosexual Muslim Male. He is married and has 2 sons. We are the same age and live in America working for the same company. I Love him with all my heart and soul. He is Kind, Gentle, and very Compassionate. He is a Good and Just man. I prepare his coffee, make his schedules, prepare.. More
Salam. I have daughter with special needs. Unable to do anything on her own eat,walk, talk, dress herslef and so on, she is the greatist gift I have ever received. I treat her to the best of my abliltiy as does my husband. I have just started reading the Holy Quran, my questions is what is the benifits of having a child with special needs and after.. More
ASAK. One of my family member has given a kasam to his wife that if she talk to a person at any time. She will be divorce. She never talk to that person later things become better and husband said now you are free from kasam. But wife argue that she still can not talk to him. If she does? it will count one divorce? Please put some Light to it. Thank.. More
Assalaamualaikum! What is the hukm of a child that was conceived by muslim man with a christian woman before them being married? The parents got married after the mother became pregnant.This child is now an adult muslim, and has carried the muslim name of his father throughout his lifetime. Normally in shariah muslim doesn't inherit non-muslims. But.. More
i loved my husband too much but he always was cheating on me, now we are old and i suspect he still does, now in my heart i have started to hate him , but i never showed him, but i dont want to loose him, yet i hate him, what can i do, plz dont print my name .. More
A wife decided she wants divorce so she hired an attorney who drafted a separation agreement. The husband had no choice but to hire an attorney so he can defend his rights. If the couple, who lives in the US, worked with their respective attorneys to modify and write the separation agreement, does that constitute an act of divorce? The separation agreement.. More
Assalaamualaikum, I want to share with you an incident which happened in my childhood at the age of 12. It's causing lot of anxiety(psychological) in me. Now i am 24 years old. I keep on ignoring this thing. But finally decided to share with islam web. One morning i was sitting after Fazr namaz and doing Zikr in the mosque.One man with long beard with.. More