The following things was happening in my life within a few days: 1. One of my family member say me, that she(my wife) say something like: she kill me, attack me etc; then i was reached in extreme anger and said if she told like this then: she is divorced, divorced, divorced. But she did not told this at all. 2. Then One of my family member insist me.. More
Salamalecom i'm a second wife and my marriage contract was done by my wali who is a sheikh.The acceptance and dua for marriage was done infront of witnesses but the signing of the contract was done a month later,and the only person to see me sign the contract was my husband not even the wali.Can a man request before marriage that the woman not have.. More
Is it permissible for a Muslim couple to adopt a non Muslim Child? I know that legal adoption is not allowed in Islam. Here the word adoption means guardianship/adoption according to the Islamic Shari’ah... More
a couple got married in jordan , 1 month ago , now live in USA. she now is asking for divorce , for no reason at all , only for the simple reason of not being use to this country and wants a divorce and to go back to jordan to live with her parents. what is her right and what is his right.??.. More
Assalamu Alaikum First of all i want to thanks for this great site.Since i am muslim this site help me to avoid many mistakes in my life and find answer for many questions.I met my husband when i was christian,we had sex before merryd.The last our sex was 1.5 months before we get legall merryd.For all this time my present husband was the one man.Few.. More
Dear Brother in Islam, Assalamu alaikum (war). I am working in Dubai for the past five years. Initially I came here because of the burden of Debts. Also I am planning to go back to India after One year Insha ALLAH. My wife with my three kids used to stay with my mother in-law ( her mother), but because of some differences with her family members, my.. More
Assalamu alaikum.2 months ago my husband divorce me by words "you are divorced" after this he was sorry because of this but he was aware what he did.We live in two difrent countrys so during my waiting period we were in touch by sms from time to time.I didnt want to push him to anything,i wanted to give him this time to rethink everyhting if he really.. More
hi, i have a problem i would like to know what to do.. im 25 yrs old, my wife is 21..we have been married for 7 months now...we live in canada.. we both work full time.. i am a dentist ..before we got married my wife used to visit pornographic web sites.. i started to notice unusual sexual behaviors during our first week .. then she told me.. she promised.. More
refering to Question Number: 2213782 i have 3 children. My family are using reason of i have 3 children and asking me to live with husband for the sake of the children even i do not like it. What islam says about this? Im going through characther asasination. My husband accussing me having relationship with other people so that i will not be able to.. More
Salam ALaykoum, I have a friend, she is married and has a 2 years old daughter. She recently found out that her husband was gay. What do you suggest to her to do. Ma hukmu eddeen? Jazakum Allah khayran... More
in darama mostly marry and then divorce, if a real husband & Wife work in the Drama & Divorce in the Drama what is the Effect on their Maritial Status. .. More
As-salamu'aleikum, On my ID card I was given my husband's last name without being asked for permission. I understand that this is forbidden in Islam. However, I always use my father's last name myself except on official papers. Am I to blame for what has happened? Will Paradise be forbidden for me? .. More
Assalamu Aalikum. If girls get married at a very younge age( between age 6 and 16 for example), it might be harmful for her in various ways. She might end up getting pregnant while her own body is developing. She might not be able to finish her studies to attain a qualification, so that she can survive if Allah forbids something happens to her Husband... More
Assalamu Alaikum, I am from Sri Lanka, I have Two boys (twins) recently born. they are now 5 months old. is it acceptable in islamic shareea to sacrifice one cow for aqeeqa for them. If I sacrifice for them goats I have to sacrifice 4 goats, goats are expensive in Sri Lanka. That is why I want to know verywell one cow is acceptable or not. Jazakallahu.. More
Assalamoualikum I just get married, me and my husband want to take our full time in order that i get deflowered. But my family and his family urges us to complete this quickly , they ask us everyday whether its already done. Please advice us , can we lie to them , telling them its already done, because its a personel matter that we want to share only.. More