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5673 fatwas

  • Children do not inherit their parents’ sins

    salaamalaykum , i wanted to know with a reference from the quran and hadith that if a person has been a fornicator/masturbator all his life and then when he is gifted with a child , then does his evil acts inherit in his newborn children. reply asap.. More

  • Anal sex is absolutely prohibited

    Asalamu Aleikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakaatahu, Dear Brothers in Islam, I'm a Muslim man, married for about 15 years now and Alhamdulilah with 8 children. With 8 children alive, my wife aborted 3 times because of some weakness in her ovary as she had delivered children continuously without child spacing. We have tried to naturally plan our family by refraining.. More

  • Helping husband reform

    I am a woman who married in an Arab country and then moved to Britain to live with my husband. The problem is that my husband has weak faith, and my efforts to change him are fruitless. Satan always drags him away from Islam by wasting long hours in front of the Internet or the TV. Will you please help me. What is your advice to me?.. More

  • Said to his wife ‘Has anybody touched you before our marriage?'

    Assalam u alaikum Dear Sir, If a husband said to his wife in anger "have anybody before our marriage touch you". Will this sentence have any impact / effect on the Nikkah. Allah hafiz.. More

  • Wants to divorce his wife because he doubts her love and loyalty

    I find myself in a most unusual of a situation. I am 22 and teacher in a university.before 6 months I came to know a muslim girl an age of 16 .until this time i donot have a girl friend or relation with the women.I say "alhamdulilah"but the problem has started when i fell in love with her.then i told her to marry me and she say ok.when i am ready.. More

  • Muslim women going to hairdressers in non-Muslim countries

    Salam aleikum! I am a converted Muslim woman from 15 years and I am living in Romania. I know that a non-muslim women can see at Muslim women only what men can see (the face and hands).So, how do I have to be dressed in front of my mother, my sister and my housemaid .Is there any fatwa regarding in this problem for us who are living in non-Muslim.. More

  • Calling somebody whose name is Muhammad by “Mo”

    Dear Shaikh Asalam-u-Alaikum One of my brother in Islam has name Mohammad but he only pronounce Mo and people call him only by Mo Many of the people Muslims, Non Muslims working with him doesn't know that his real name is Mohammad Every one call him with Mo Only What does sharia say about this? Is it ok for my Brother to change his name from Mohammad.. More

  • There is no limit for Mahr (bridal money)

    it is said that in it is sunnah that women can ask for money before marriage other than maher (which is obligatory a man should give to his wife) can u give me some expalnation on this... More

  • Calling wife either by her name or by her nickname

    Asslam Ole Kum (rob) Can we muslim call our wife by there name. As in india we use to call by there name, but where as in midle east they called by there children name. What sharia says about this? .. More

  • Her new Muslim husband married a Hindu woman

    Assalamualaikum I have a question. I am currently married to a man who converted( previously a hindu). But few months back he got married to a hindu woman but never consumated the marriage. (family arrangement )He;s living with me all this while.He still live like a muslim . My question is my marriage with him still valid? An is he still consider a.. More

  • Her husband refuses to renew their invalid marriage contract

    Asalam allaikum wa ramatullah wa barakatuh! I read Fatwa No. 105480 and as my Situation is the same as described there, I went with my children to my Parents and told my husband our marriage was invalid, I showed him the fatwa and also searched in the internet for another opinionm but didn't find. But he will not believe that our marriage is not valid... More

  • Swore that he would leave his wife if she did something

    If a person swears that he will leave or that he and his wife will not continue together if she does something without his permission, is that considered as a divorse if she does something without his permission, although he did not directly say you will be divorced. If it is not considered as a divorse please advise what he has to do because of breaking.. More

  • The wisdom of specifying the mourning periods in Islam

    I am not muslim, but very interested in learning. I notice that the mourning periods following the loss of a family member are very specific. Could you explain how such specific times are established please as I am unable to see the logic and I know it is there somewhere. Thank you for your assistance.. More

  • A new Muslim woman wants to see her to-be fiancé

    In Fatwa no. 86002 is given that if a converted girl to islam wants to meet a male she is alowed to meet the male with a 3th person, another sister or with a group of men. Could u pls give more daliel. And what about the Wali, is it alowed to meet the male in the presence of the Wali (whom isnt her Mahram!). Or can the non-muslim Mahram be present when.. More

  • Married while not knowing her rights in an Islamic marriage

    Asalamu allaikum! When I got married to my husband, I was Christian. Nobody told me about my rights and duties of an islamic marriag. Three weeks later we officially married in Egypt, so my husband could stay in germany.Half a year later I converted to Islam alhamdullilah! We always had problems in our marriage and even more since I converted, because.. More