Assalmualikum.... If someone is getting body massage (nacked) by an older women after giving child birth for her weakness, is it permissible in Islamic Law? .. More
ASSALAMOU ALEIKUM, I would like to thank you for the attention you will give to my question : Iam a woman, iam student in medicine and i would like to know in chaa allah if the necessity to have doctors in our oumma, allows me to treat on men during my studies in France (without any emergency, but for my studies only), Indeed i cannot study medicine.. More
Assalamu alaikum, I'm a newly converted unmarried girl, who was guided to the right way by my colleague, married man. I'm loving him before he got married, he too loving me. At that time of exposing our love, his engagement was over, i know its very bad to stop a girl's marriage and spoiling his reputation, so i haven't stopped his marriage. He.. More
Assalaamu Alaikum waraghmatullah If a brother wants to marry a sister as a second wife. How ever the sister has a picked up a sexually transmitted desease known herpes because of previouse relationship but she has repented sincerely. she was not raised as a practising muslim. How ever now she is practising MasrhAllah and repented for her past. Is the.. More
a muslim woman got married to a man who she discovered that he is DORZI, when she asked him via the Imam he said he is muslim, but he has told her before they got married that he would like to live with her as a girlfriend, and if she wants to marry him formally in a holy place then he still does not have problem if she was muslim or christian or whatever... More
asalam alaikum i got marry to a girl Alhamdulillah we were happy almost 4 months the parents were a bit not ok with us but stil we made them understand we live in other country. they asked their dughter t go and visit them i agreed because they said i would follow after some time. everithing was ok. after a month she just text me telling me that everything.. More
Salam 3alaikum, The planet is a vast one. Staying in the house with nothing to do allows for the breeding of destructive thoughts. I am a Muslim, and I believe that women, just like men, have the right to enjoy the public space. So when I hear that as a woman I can't go out to movies, to cafes, to merely hang out with friends, I questions the concept.. More
my husband refuses to sleep with me unless he wears a condom, and if i say no he says he can understand why men choose to have more than one wife and if he ends up being unfaithful i will only have myself to blame. is this right?.. More
Assalam walekum warehmat allah wabaraka tuho A woman married to a Christian man and later converted to Islam and marries a Muslim man without getting divorce from her first husband, is it legal? Please advice Thank you Sameer Shaikh .. More
salam, I would like to know if its important for the husband to say the word "TALAQ" in order to divorce his wife. or is it enough for him to say that he doesn't want to stay with her from now on. B'coz my friends husband is angry with her and told her to go back to her parents and he doesn't even want to see or talk to her. since 11 months they both.. More
My cousin is a muslim woman. She married almost 5 years ago. Her Husband is a powerfull & Ugly polititian in our country. After their marriage her husband did not bear any of her legal wants. Last 1 year her husband has no sextual relation with her. She wants divorce to him but he did not agree. After asking divorce to him her husband threated her.. More
Salam. I got divorced with 3 kids 5 yrs ago. a yr later I got remarried . all my X did was pray. he lied, cheated,burnt the house down after the divorce and prevented me from sending my son to memorize quran.he crashed into my car when he saw me and he acused me and my husband of abusing the kids so many times to get custody. after the divorce I had.. More
assalamou alykom wa rahmatou allahi muslam man living in north america married to a chirstian wife for more then 5 years...honestly our marriage was for the purpose of getting the greencard (from my side only) i wasnt providing for her since she has a good job and she can afford everything that she needs or in another work we were.. More