re question number2210361 assalamo alaikoum he divorced me the first time in may 2007 and was very angry we did have a big argument but i did not leave home because the imam said that it does not count because of the anger.the second time was in april 2008 and was after a big fight as well but i have never left my home .the third time he was having.. More
salam alaykum ua rahmatullah ua barakatu I would like to know if a reverted muslim woman needs a "mahram" to travel overseas to visit her non muslim family. I wish to go visit my sick mother and also wish to please Allah. Jazaka allahu khair (I'm married and have 5 kids, I live in Palestine and my mom in the USA, it's been 11 yrs I haven't seen her,.. More
Assalam-o-Alikum, I am a married women and living in a joint family. I am facing an issue of divorce which is as follows: > I got married on 16th of April 2008. 1. In the beginning of May 2008, my husband pronounced the first divorce while i was having periods and we were alone in the room. We reconciliated in 2 days 2. In the end of May 2008, he.. More
I have a child in my care and she is muslam and she wears all clothing to cover her body and hair because this child is in my care does she have to wear this clothing , I have other children all girls , when all the children are swiming in the pool and having fun this girl sits at the side and does not want to go in because I am at home .My wife and.. More
What does Islam say about breastfeeding after two years of age? Also does Islam allow a mother to still be breastfeeding her child at a much older age, even after puberty for example at age 14? Can any woman breastfeed any child (under two years of age) she wishes to establish a milk-mother relationship? For example an older sister aged 24 breastfeeding.. More
after my husband left me for one year, I got divorce in the American court ( they not Muslim) . Is this divorce count in Islam or I have to wait until I divorce in Muslim country???.. More
Salaam Alaikum Wa Rahmatullaah ... Dear Shaikh, Dr. Zakir Naik, a very famous muslim scholar of comparative religion (from India), the command of Allaah (SWT) in the Holy Quraan concerning covering of the face (NIQAAB) is directed only towards the blessed wives of the Prophet (SAW), because of their high status (Mothers of the Believers). Please advice.. More
Dear Esteemed Imam, I am a married person, and living alone for more than four years away from my wife in a foriegn country. I have entered into a another marriage with full shart achieved, i.e. 1. Witnesses (More than 6 men) 2. Mahr 3. Ijab and Kubool When I married, I had no intention of divorce, however when I married, I did not think nor my new.. More
I am a Muslim male that, is involved with a christen woman,we dated for a while before I moved in with her. I have conversations with her about Islam, but she seem as if its no interest to her and she don't seem to want to have any knowledge of Islam, I argue and stress to her the important to have the knowledge and openness, And we may can not further.. More
in maldives,there's not a single secondary school where only female teachers are,can i being a teacher work in a school where there are both male and female teachers working?
.. More
Assalam alaykum, Let me first of all thank you for this great web site which help many muslims around the world. May Alah reward you for it Ameen. My question is as follow: I got married 2 months ago and from day one I noticed that I am not compatible with him. I tried my best but in vain. The man has good values and practices Islam as much as he can,.. More
The man get merry woman 4 months ago but she is in secret because his parents never accept non arab girl.He had problem to have children so told her that she will stop to be in secret when she get pregnent and then they will tell about this merryd to his parents because he is sure that they accept her.He promisse also and she agree for this that he.. More
Assalam-o-alaikum warahmatullah hi wabarakatuhu....i am from going to get married india we celebrate marriages very grandly lots of decoration inviting guets...including friends relatives neighbours etc. i wanted to know 1) according to quran and sunnah how should a muslim conduct his marriage. 2) according to quran and sunnah.. More
asalaamu alikum i have heard that men who are asexual(meaning that they have no sexual desire) can enter upon women, talk with women freely, and so forth just as a mahram can do. The reasoning, I have been told is because an asexual has no sexual desire towards women, so it is ok. My Imam told me this, and he is a very respected Imam. I am just asking.. More