After 3 month of marriage with my second wife, my first wife left me. My wife took my daughters away from me who are 13 years, 15 years, 17 years, and 18 years of age. Am I obligated to provide for my daughters since they are helping their mother to be defiance and disobedient toward me by going along with her? I ask them to come back but they can't.. More
Assalamu alaikom, I reverted to Islam 3 years ago. At that time I was married (maybe i still am) but anyhow, I continued to stay with my Ex for alittle over 1 year after my reversion. The man never would revert and constantly insulted Islam and me. He was very tough and made it very hard on me. He refused Islam and still does. So I left him and filed.. More
i am 30 year old sunni muslim form india. i am married & i have a four children. when i am 15 years old my elder brother is dead. after his death i lose my mental balance & fear & afraid about death & lose my mental balance about 80% not 100% when i married my wife is not live with me before the 4 year of marriage than i see sex dream.. More
Salam alikum, Please advise me. I got married in november 1983 in a registry's office in edinburgh. Then, in july 1986, me and my husband filled in an application for divorce on the grounds of separation for two years (both of us signed the application) but I was the main applicant. Then, in july 1988, we remarried again in a registry's office in.. More
My husband and I always fight, we are Muslims, he asked me money to go for a vacation, and I told him to write me (you are divorced) and he wrote it once, and he took the money and went on vacation, do you think I am divorce once, and what shall I do when he comes back from vacation. .. More
I am married with 3 children and was planning to divorce my wife on paper only so that I can marry someone overseas to bring them to the United States. I brought the divorce paper to my wife for her to sign but I did not sign it. Later on, I change my mind to marry again and my wife thru away the divorce papers. 3 years later, during an.. More
Aslamo Alakum......I have a serious situation ,I and my wfie were living nicly but nearly one year before....she started fighting,insulting,and behaving agressively....after ,two or three months late,she started to ask me ,to divorce her,she started screaming,weeping,cursed,her behaviour became very agressive, it seemed that she is under much mental.. More
Some women from my family, together with other girls, want to go out for Da‘wah to our neighbours and other women in the neighbourhood, calling them to Allaah. Is this a correct means of Da‘wah? If it is correct, what is your advice to them? If not, what is a suitable means for practicing Da'wah?.. More
assalamalaikum dear bro & sis, my question regarding my marriage. i am a muslim revert. my family from people of the book. im still not a muslim revert when i get marreid.. my husband is a born muslim. we get married without my fathers permission and even one of my relatives didnt marry me off. we have a witnesses in one of my husband friends.. More
Salaam, i am in a situation where i have been adopted and live with my guardians in England and my parents who i have little contact with live in Pakistan. 2 years ago i met a non-muslim girl who i wanted to marry but my guardians objected to this. I then left the house to be with the girl and 8 months later reconciled with my guardians and came back.. More
i heard of cases where muslim men marry women from the people of the book and their children are not muslim so this would be considered a loss. so i am guessing marrying women of the people of the book is only allowed in muslim countries??? or under islamic rule??.. More
Asslamu Alykuom My husband wanted divors me by Swedesh law. we sighned on paper towis but we tooke it back. But he singthed again on paper but this time i was prgnant. I asked a imam he said you hade lost two talaaq. But becouse of you are pragnant you have one talaag left. but after four month i lost the child and one time we were with each other,.. More
is it right for a man to married another man's sister and in return the latter man also married the first man's sister at the same time ? { ie you marry my sister and I marry your sister}.. More