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5673 fatwas

  • Parents demand her to study in an erroneous public school

    as salamu alaikum ,what should I do my parents want me to go to public school where there is al bad thing going on and i fear for my Iman and knowing what they teachtere against islam.please i need your advice i don't know what to do. .. More

  • Marrying before elder sisters and brothers

    Assalamulaikum, We are three sisters and four brothers,parents are expired.I am Sultan,3rd from both side.We are all above the age 25 yrs.First comes two eldest sisters.Myself and my elder brother are trying to mix marriage for our sisters but its happening.My age is 28 running .Here comes the question,what does Quran and hadiths says ,whether I can.. More

  • 12 year old girl plays with boys for fun

    asalam alkuim plz answer me this im 12 and i havent gotton my period yet and the thing is is that i play wit the boys soccer just for fun like we play for match and we are kdiding with eachother no more than that i kno my hudud either if i didnt get it yet but the thing is its fun to play with them because they make me laugh! but i wanna know if its.. More

  • Said to his wife ‘you are free’

    if a man says to his wife do u want freedom? .you are free. but his intension is not to divorce her just telling her you can do your things freely my question is is that any kind of divorce does occur if his intension not to divorce her ?becuse some of scholars says in pakistan the word talaq mean in urdu free (azad) and by using these words talaq.. More

  • New Muslim women having old passports with their heads uncovered

    Before embracing Islam some women in our country had their pictures taken for passport with their head uncovered. So this picture was put on their passport. Now after some of them embraced Islam they still carry these passports with the pictures of uncovered head and show this passport in some institutions where necessary. I would like to ask what is.. More

  • A brother touching his sister with lust

    plz let me know that is there any complications and problem occurs if a brother touches his sister with lust and dsire, plz reply is there any problem occurs between their relatiuonships and with their parents?.. More

  • We do not advise you to marry this woman

    I am a Indian and married person, one girl from russia who is a christian intrested in converted to islam and marry me.. She is unknown, Can I marry her?.. More

  • Responsibility of both husband and wife for taking care of their children

    Whose duty is it to: 1. take children to the doctors 2. do homework with them, 3. take small kids out to play and supervise them when e.g mother is busy with housework and supervision of six small children, mother is feeling ill, etc. .. More

  • Engaged to a man whom she did not see or meet

    im girl & proposed by a man whom i completely dont know,he is my far relative,i have never seen him,and he has never seen me too,the wedding will be after 2 months,he lives in another country,i know that islam encourages the expected couples to see each other before marriage,but our case is different we cant meet bcoz we r far from each other,i.. More

  • Her husband does not want children from her

    Asalamu alaikom I had converted to Islam for some years now ,Allhumdulilah. I live with my daughter and letter I got married with my husband and it is almost 3 years now and he do not tell his parent and he do not want to have children with me.i want to know about my right in this and this is halam or no what he doing. wasalam.. More

  • The benefits the wife gets when she answers her husband’s request to bed

    what is the Benefits for Woman when she have Sex with her Husband . the rewards. dos god reward her ? what are these rewards? thanks .. More

  • His first son was born out of Zina

    salaam alaikum wa rahmatu allah. 18 yaers ago I comitted a big sin(zinna). I slept with an english girl and made her pregnant. I was 20 at the time. I married her after two months of her been pregnant in the registry office and the mosque. we had a boy who is 17 years old, plus another 3 childrens. el hamdu lillah tubt.she became a muslim, she wears.. More

  • Committed Zina with her and wants to marry her without her parents’ consent

    i had a sexual relationship with my boyfriend.i knew that it was a sin but he led me to believe that when we would marry our sins would be erased. now i realise that it was wrong and i pray to god for forgiveness and mercy. When my boyfriend came to request my hand in marriage-he refused my fathers conditions on dowry money in case of divorce. now he.. More

  • Applying a specific period of time for family planning

    Is there a period in which a person has to wait in order to have another child? According to the Sunnah can a woman have a child every year or does she have to wait and give the child that she currently has the 2 years for nursing? Is it the right of the wife to have another baby even if the husband does not want one right away or should she wait?.. More

  • Wants to get rid of her abusive husband

    Assalaam Alikum.I am 35 years. For all these years of my marriage I have endured the ever worsening behavior of my husband.I am sick and tired of all the physical,psycological and emotional violence. I stay with him to protect my 2 boys.My husband every year tries to make me go back to my country,somehow obstacles come and I not go.Then he blames me.I.. More