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5673 fatwas

  • The name “Muhammad Asghar”

    Aslamu Alikum , Few days ago I was watching TV. A Hanfi Scholar said that it's not permissible to have name "Muhammad Asghar " because Asghar means "Small " so when we attach this name with Muhammad then there are chances of disrespect . So , It's better not have name Muhammad Asghar . I would like to read your opinion about it . Regards ALLAH HAFIZ.. More

  • A woman obliged by her employer to travel without a Mahram

    my wife works and must travel to a foreign country. can she go without mahram if she is obliged to go by her employer? .. More

  • Her imprisoned husband refuses to hug and kiss her publicly during visitations

    My Husband is serving a life sentence for a murder he did no commit. He has served 16 years out of a 20 year tariff. I met him 6 years ago and we got married. I was practising but he wasn't. Now he has started practising within the last 6 months alhamdulilah. I only see him once a week, my visits are so precious and it is the only time I can hold.. More

  • Works abroad and is worried about his wife and children

    Assalamu alaikum (war) Dear Brother in Islam, I am 35 yrs Old Indian muslim working now in Dubai for the past 3 years. I got married during 1999 ( 8 years before) and I have 3 kids now. Before marriage I have been working in Saudi for 1.5 years and after marriage and before coming to Dubai I have been working in Saudi for 1.5 years ( Total 3 years in.. More

  • There is no valid relationship between you and this man

    i got intrested ina man,did;nt knew much about him.he asked to to marry him.i accepted his proposal.he brought a maulwi he recited few verses and said ur nikah is done.i whould here mention that there were no witnesses and everything was done orally.anyhow aftr few months one day on mobile he said divorce words many times.then aftr about 20 days he.. More

  • Wants to move out of her husband’s house to save her faith and to force him to follow the Sunnah

    salam, i have a very big cocern about my husbad who does not follow the sunnah. we live in a non-muslim country. i have been married with him almost a year. i have been telling him to please stop photo coppying picture of movies and get money from it, and to please start studing islam. however he has not yet accepted. i used everything i can but nothing.. More

  • Married another man while she was in her waiting period

    Recently i knew about ur web.side and i made one queastion but i have not mentioned all true as was feeling too shame to say everything to any body.It is already for 3 years i do not know haw to correct my life as per Islamic shariga and have no one who could help me.3years ago i got positive advice from Islamic center regarding secret marriage and.. More

  • Lives with her ex-husband in the same house

    I'm divorced and my ex husband has no place to go, besides my kids are unaware of our current situation (divorce) and we don't want them to know about it. I don't wear hijab at home during his presence! If I did, my kids will know about the divorce! Fatwas say he should not stay at home with me! How can this be figured out? I cannot even wear the hijab.. More

  • This is not a conditional divorce

    Assalamu Alaikum, I wrote to you before about speaking to men over the internet and whether or not I was obliged to tell my husband. And you told me no alhamdulillah. Well I heard a talk today which has worried me a lot. I heard that if the husband makes a condition and the wife breaks it, then she is divorced. Well now I am unsure whether my husband.. More

  • In love with a man who confessed to be a bisexual

    Assalamualaikum.I had a boyfriend and we have been together for more than 1 and a half year. Recently, he confess to me that he is bisexual and that all this while he did not take our relationship seriously up till now.He wants to be serious as he realise that he really love me for who i am and he wants to be honest and truthful. He did not tell many.. More

  • Her husband has a criminal record

    Aslamoalikum,My husband did lots of crime in his life after one of marriage he kidnap a boy and ask ransome from his family than finally police reat him and save that boy by tha blessing of Allah,i got very angry to my husband but after that when my husband do astagfar i forgive i and figth that case in favour of my husband and almighty Allah give him.. More

  • Wants to divorce her non-practicing dishonest husband

    as salamu alaikum , i am a sister that ' s trying to practie the deen and my gaol is how to be clser to Allah . but my problem is that my husband is too much invole in the DUNIY. He works days and night ,he only come back home just to sleep and go back at work and also he doesn'nt talke to me ,he does'nt spend nothing on me i pay the food we eat and.. More

  • Abused his retarded aunt sexually

    A person forced ahis aunt to be naked .She is mentally abnormal. He didnt penetrated his sexual organ in her any holes.neither back nor front. But in her hips. He wants to know the punishment for his blunder.. More

  • Works in a company which does not allow her to wear Hijab

    Asalamu alaikum, hope you all doing well insha Allah. I work at a job that don't allow me to wear islamic dress code due to safty issues, i am allow to wear pants/jeans and i try to wear something that is loose so i want to know is the money i am getting from this company Halal? I think this company is good in so many ways and they allow us prayers.. More

  • Wife seeking Fatwa to seal the fallopian tubes

    Asak, I want to get advise on tubulagation. I had 3 normal pregnancies but was on bedrest for a month with first and third child and 3 months with second child. i dont have lot of help around house as my husband works full time and it gets to challenging when I am on bedrest. My husbands tries to manage it any how but I know how difficult it is, also.. More