My family and I have a concern about the number of divorces between the husband and wife. The first time, husband was angry with wife but could not remember the word “talaaq” in Arabic. He asked the wife “ How do you say divorce in Arabic?” The wife didn’t answer because she feared being divorced. The husband asked again “How do you say.. More
my wife is irrevocably divorced , she wants to get married to another person with the hope that she may become lawful to me if she gets divorce from second husband. she is not stipulating any conditions in the second marriage she wants to give fair try but at the same times hopes to return back to first husband if the second marriage is not sound. Now.. More
assalamu aleykum. my friend husband think that his wife was sleep with another man.he( thinks that because 1 day he come home and when he knock at the door she didn't open so he went to find some phone on the street to call her and when he did she answer and when she open door for he think that someone was in there.but she swear on Quran that.. More
Dear grand Imam, Would you please let me know that: if a woman feed children with her breast milk more then five times, without the permission of thier parents and only and only for evil motivation (to aviod thier future marriages), does it apply FOST (Rezait). should you happen to have any queries, please feel free to contact me, BEst regards zabi.. More
salamI m muslim male, living u.s. confusion in my intentions a girl i wanted to marry I thought that i wanted to marry her for the right reasons and the dreams i had of being with her were halal I had known her for many years and liked her since i was very young 15 main reason i liked her was her hijab I lost contact with her for a few years and mostly.. More
salam.Is a muslim girl allowed to wear trousers or long skirt? Due to my secodary school uniform my father wont let me go to school.I am only allowed to wear shalwar kameez. Please answer my question.
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I'm 26 years old and i'm still single living in America with all it's temptations. I don't have the money nor the college degree that would allow me to get married to a girl back home. Is it okay to get married to an American girl in secret with witnesses and all. I don't want to commit zina but depression got a hold of me. The problem is how can i.. More
As-salaam alay Kum brothers, I recently asked a clarification on my previous question and you just forwarded me two previously issued fatwas instead of answering my specific question. Please DO NOT forward me previous fatwas as I do need specific answer to my question below and those previous fatwas DID NOT answer my concerns. I was asking that why.. More
i am married from last three years during three yrs of my marriage my husband fail to act my as provider and maintainer i used my saving to support my self and stayed in marriage.we decieded to leave usa and moved to egypt his home country since he is having difficult time taking care of his responsibilty.understanding and agreeing that once i will.. More
1.if khula happens,is it husband's right to get back "mahr" & "shabka"?or "mahr" only? 2.what's is allowed & what's forbidden in the waiting period after divorce?is the divorced woman allowed to go out for study or shopping or to take her kids out?.. More
A man has 2 wives. He says to the first wife I divorce her meaning he gives a divorce to the second wife. One else hears him say this except for the first wife and himself. The second wife lives in another country and the husband only sees her for a couple of weeks a year. The man has never told second wife he said these words about her. The man.. More
It was an arranged marriage 19 years ago in a South Africa. We are both born Muslim Hanafi aged 47. We have 3 girls aged 9,11 & 16. Over the last 5 to 10 years to now, our marriage has being going downhill. It has now reached a dead-lock dead-end. I'd like to know whether we should separate and for how long or to divorce or any other solution. The.. More
As salamu Alaikum, Am a 32 years tunisian woman, met back in 1999 a Pakistani man who has a british passport and lives in UK, he was older than me by 22 years, married with 2 daughters. He was facing some problems with his wife but not divorced. To go for the divorce, he asked me for a guarantee that I won't leave him if the court procedure.. More
Assalam-u-Alaikum I would like to ask you a question. I was sexually abused by a cousin of mine when I was 10. He was a few years older. But then I had had enough and confronted him about it. The matter ended then and there. Its been almost 10 years since. And we have not been on talking terms. He asked me to forgive him. I said yes I have forgiven.. More