I needed to know if this will be considered a never-ending vow of divorce and how one can get out of it by offering Kaffarah etc. If due to some absurd reason if a person X who is single and makes a statement that everytime he gets married then he is divorced or everytime he performs nikaah he is automatically divorced then can he ever get out of such.. More
My friend got engaged at age 17 to a 27 year old guy after 2 years of engagement nikkah was performed so that she would sponsor him to come to america on nikkah ceremony she was not allowed to meet the guy while she insisted since she never met him before Her mother in law didnt let the guy meet the girl before nikah after nikkah was done she met the.. More
Aslamo Alykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakat: I live in a western country. In a country that I live passed a law which would allow Homosexual to have equal rights, (Mirrage, Men to men, and women to women). We as a Muslim had witnessed all of it, but never objected as we should have done. Will Allah (swt) ask us first not to oppose it and secondly live in.. More
what is the meaning of my name?(shamsuddin)? about my luck why it is not good?what ever i am trying to do .it dosnt work?so..plz find out for me.. More
It is recommended in Islam for men to marry virgin women. "Marry virgins for they have sweeter mouths, more productive wombs and are more pleased with less”. But for women it is recommended not to refuse a man because of their age and marital status (if he is already married) women even have got no right object if her husbands want to have more wives... More
I live in Pakistan.My husband works in Dubai therefore I am responsible for taking care of children and home.I have to go to market for shopping. Here in Pakistan all the shopkeepers are males. I am confident enough to buy anything but I am a little hesitant when I am buying undergarments . I have to tell shopkeepers my panty size and my bra size... More
Salaam brothers, Firstly I apologise for any inconvinience I cause to you due to this question. I am going to be open with you. My wife and i both are in kowledge of the fact that anal sex is haram. My wife has some desires. She wants me to perform intercause with her (vaginal) and at the same time me to insert a piece ice in a shape of a penis in to.. More
one relative of mine got married last year. her married life was full of tension since day one. then after 8 months of marriage the husband decided to go out of the country for employment. not after 3 months of stay outside suddenly one day he called his wife and said i am divorcing you. same time he called the girls father and also his father and told.. More
I got to know a 46 year old widow over the internet in the middle of Ramadhan. When i realised that we were not compatible i told her that i wanted to finish writing to each other, to which she agreed despite saying that she was in love with me. I felt that it was not love but rather something mentally not quite right with her. This woman then travelled.. More
Assalamu Alaikkum I really would like to get seperated from my husband.Let me menstion few things that made me write that i need divorce.My husband, basically he is an engineer, but never has gone for any job.I used to ask him to do something rather than sitting ideal at home.Actually i think of divorce is because of his immoral character.I mean, he.. More
iIf lady married her husband divorce but not pure heart divorce he want to talk her but she gnore because she is muslim and heer hasband is Christian. hasband convert muslim cast then after 2 yrs. went chrishtian then wife no go in chrishtian cast but hasbant told both are same go church and go mosque. then what heppen this matter then but both are.. More
Assalam Alikom Wa Rahmat Allah Wa Barakato, i live in USA and i have 2 daughters 6 and 3.I started letting them have swiming lessons for the last 2 months, their female instructor is a non-muslim and she doesn't cover her Awra( she wears the usuall swimming suits they have here).usually when it's time for the swimming classes only the kids and the instructors.. More
Assalamualaikum, My brother-in-law has completed his divorced. His former wife insisted to have a divorced. He was married with 2 children (9 year old and 5 year old) to which the shariah court has given rights to take care to the mother to which he has no objection. Recently the former wife has re-married to a divorcee with 2 children of which.. More
if a man says to his wife that you are not my wife and says it 3 times without saying the word Talaq or divorce, does the divorce takes place and should the woman leave him?.. More