Assalamalaikum, I am 23 years old Girl who is Secretly Married with out my Parents/Guardian Permission, as the problem is I am working and did not wanted to do anything Illegal in the eyes of Allah, so I married a Married person who is Religiously committed who bought the Khazi and 2 witnesses and they asked my permission through Telephone without my.. More
Asalam alai kum, i have decided to divorce my second wife for not obeying me and doing things against my wish and for wearing clothes which are not permissble in islam and does not want me to object to her talking to her male boss apart from work .inspite of my several request and pleadings. Her mother says what her daughter is doing is correct by not.. More
Asalaamu Alaikum, first i would like to say what a great job you are doing answering everyones questions may allah bless you. My question is i got engaged 2 years ago, to my second cousin, the marriage was without my permission. This guy and my dad both lived in africa and i live in England.My dad thought i knew about the engagement because that is.. More
Assalamalaikum, Dear Brother, A friend of mine asked me to find out about his marrage which happen in a different way. Weather in front of Allah Subanatala it is right or wrong and if it is wrong what he has to do to make it correct. The fact is the girl whom he married she was priviously married and she stayed for 1 week with her husband and returned.. More
A mother has a daughter of 28 years old who is a teacher. She has diabetes. A young man is interested in taking her as a wife. The mother is uncertain whether or not to inform this young man about her daughter having diabetes. Should she tell or not tell? Please advise... More
salaam alaykum, we have a muslim sister whose husband died after 25 years of marriage. The sister decided to remarry about 2years ago. SHe remarried about 1year ago but the marriage has been experiencing difficulties. for over 4months now the new husband abandoned her because of some disagreement and brothers tried to get him to come for settlement.. More
assalamu alaikum! I have a daughter engaged to a saudia national but before they can get married he got married to an arab woman liked by his father. He still wants to marry my daughter but my daughter doesn't want to become a second wife. My daughter is in another saudi province while his fiancee is in madinah. We are filipino muslim. My question is.. More
Assalamualaikkum, My name is Shafi. I was married on 16th of Feb, 2003. We have been happy since we got married. Our only problem is with my wife's parents. They are not giving me respect from the begining. So, there will be little problems arise and went off. Before 6 months, I tried to go for US. After spending 2 lakhs(approach) i was failed on that.. More
I am living in a non-muslim country where there is a very small non-Arab muslim community and I am fearful of being tempted into Zina. I want to get married but I do not feel ready(emotionally) for marriage and its responsibilities because I am still continuing my studies. I am financially able to marry a muslim woman from my country but I am not.. More
My husband and I have been married its been a year. My husband went against his mum to marry me. We have been happly married and have had no toruble. Recently my husband kept on getting realy angry with me and he would end up hitting for no reason. any little thing would provoke him. My husband is not the type to hit a women. He also has been acting.. More
Assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatohu. I intend to marry a 39 year old lady who 9 years ago was not a Muslim. Following African tradition, where a woman has to prove she is fertile before a traditional marriage is arranged, she fell to the approaches of a Muslim man, a known womaniser, who very well knew that he was committing zinnah. She conceived.. More
salam, a man wants to marry a girl, from her father and 2 witnesses, but since his mother is against marriage (the girl not from his country, and if she hears about this mariage she might die, since she is sick), he suggests that none of his family know about it, and keep it secret from his friends and family, until a baby comes in. I know his mother.. More
We were married in Pak. The mahar was set at 50,000 sika-e-raijul-waqt. Mahar was not paid in Pak immediately after marriage as should have been. I want to pay mahar now but we live in USA. Am I obligated to pay in US $ 1 for 1 i.e. instead of Pk rupee 50,000 am I obligated to pay US $50,000. Please advise. Thanks... More
as salam alaikum please could you tell me the ruling on a mother or father who laughs at their children who are upset and crying? and also the same question to one who torments or winds a child up to the extent of upsetting them? i truly appreaciate how busy you are but i really need a answer asap. jazallah khayran, .. More
Asslamualaikum, Can you tell me the reasoning behind why a child who has a wetnurse, is considered a sibling of any children sharing that womans milk. Wassalaam.. More