Assalamu Alaikum Is it permissable for a person to have the name "Azeez Razak"? Since These are both Names of Allah , is it Obligatory to Have "Abdul" Before them? If so , Should it be , "Abdul Azeez Razak" or "Abdul Azeez Abdul Razak"? Which one is correct? Would it be a sin to have a name with the words "Azeez Razak" and no "Abdul" in it? Please.. More
Assalaamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullaah, My son is a teen but he is of age to be my wali. Can you tell us the best way to open a meeting with a suitor and the correct way to write a marriage contract. If possible can you please show an example of a marriage contract. May Allah reward you with good in this life and the next... More
Salam alekom A man has proposed to me to get married, he smokes and has not completed his education, and I completed my education and I dont smoke, my family said to me not to marry him cause of these reasons, but is this fare to judge person for the lack of education, the main problem is that we live in UK and it is very difficult to find good muslim.. More
married from aman and i was engaged befor him but i didnt tell him that , and after im married now my ex finace come back and he want to marry me whil the problem solved , im confused now between my husband and my ex fiance , my husband arab man and he is in wgypt i went there to marry him and we married and i come back to usa waiting him to come.. More
Dear Sir, Assalam-O-Alaikum, A married muslim women knowingly and willingly enters into an extra marital relationship with another married christian man and confesses of having physical relationship e.g., kissing, huging, touching, meeting alone in private etc. Her parents and sibling are deadly against this act. What is this? Is this zina or not?.. More
As-salamu alaykum. Is it permissible for Muslim women to write letters to Muslim men who are held in prisons in non-Muslim countries (sometimes in solitary confinement) in order to raise their eeman and keep their spirits high at a difficult time? Some sisters are claiming that it is necessary for them to do this even though these brothers in prison.. More
Salam aleikom, I'd like to khow which school of thought says women are allowed to show in public places her face,hands and foot. sadakaljer.salam.. More
as salamu alaykum: my questions deals with homosexuals entering our homes. I have invited my sister and nephews from America to come also. after discussion with many Muslimeen the consensus was that knowing allowing homosexuals in our home would cause the angels to leave and our prayers inside the home wouldn't be accepted. Please advise; Jazakum Allahu.. More
Asslam-u-Alaikum Me & my husband have been married for the past almost 4 months & we have known & loved each other for 6 months before that. We are not together anymore for the past 2 days, and its not just a little conflict that has separated us. After about 2-3 weeks of our marriage, we’ve continuously had conflicts around every 3-4.. More
i am a 15 yr old girl living in a non muslim country and as none of my family has a driving license we have a male driver to drive us around. I wear hijaab when going out of the house but sometimes when im in the garden with my hair uncovered the drivers can see me. id this a sin? i have heard that you are allowed to show your hair to any slaves you.. More
Is it halal for a muslim women to do masters at home in English Literature. Privately meaning studing by herself and only going to college (all girls) to write exmas. There is no mixing of men. and she will get a masters so she can teach her own kids at home then... More
Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah Dear Scholar, I live in London, UK. Alhamdulillah more and more sisters are wearing Hijab in my area. However, I fear about one thing, the Burkah or Jilbab they wear is attractive and could distract opposite sex. They contain many types of colours, design, etc. Please advice us as brother and to thses sister who are the.. More
I was a christian who converted to Islam as a requirement of marriage to moroccan woman in Morocco. It was the only way to get married - I did not necessarily agree with the principle but for true love I agreed to do this as the only way to be together. With time I have had strong doubts about this conversion to the point I want to reconsider being.. More
Eselamu aleykum my dear brothers and sisters! My questions is: 1.Do I need withnes for Hitbe(proposal) 2.Is it halal to kill snake if I see her near me? 3.Can I shave hair from my back?.. More