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3574 fatwas

  • Lying in non-Muslim court to get one's rights

    An orphan revert with four children is due compensation and money for her kids from her ex-husband, who abused her for 13 years and is a disbeliever, and he is rich but has not been paying anything for the children. However, in order to get what she is due and to get the rights of her children, she has been asked to tell some lies in court. Her ex-husband.. More

  • Difference between pride and arrogance

    What is the difference between pride and arrogance? In which case is pride permitted? Please, kindly give examples of behaviour which indicates arrogance. Is looking down upon people considered arrogance? .. More

  • Transgression in supplication is dispraised

    Assalaamu alaykum. A person wants to supplicate to get a righteous and practicing wife who has praiseworthy qualities like Taqwah (piety), knowledge, good manners, etc., and at the same time he asks Allah to make this wife have physically attractive features and specifies them in detail, like by saying, "Oh Allah bless me with a pious and righteous.. More

  • Saying to someone: I am well by the blessing of your supplication.

    Assalaamu alaykum. There are many ignorant people who, whenever I ask them, “How are you?” reply, “I am well, by the blessings of your supplication,” though I have not supplicated for them. They do not say, “I am well by the mercy of Allaah.” Is this type of saying permitted? .. More

  • No evidence that rain, guests, sickness and female child are sign of pleasure of Allah

    Is it true that when Allaah is happy, He gives people four things: rain, a female child, a guest, and sickness? .. More

  • Whether recounting person's injustice constitutes backbiting

    Hi, Shaykh. I have a question. Please advise me on what to do. I am a married Muslim woman; I have been married for three years now. I have a sister-in-law who has been treating me really bad, and I used to tell people,like her cousins and so, what she used to do to me. I never said anything false and never added anything to what she did, and they reported.. More

  • Father wants him to work in co-ed environment

    Assalamu alaykum. My father does not want me to work as a private tutor. He instead wants me to work as a lecturer in co-ed universities, not because this would enable me to earn more money, but because this position has a higher status and prestige. He feels ashamed to tell others that I am a private teacher. Also, please note that I am not in dire.. More

  • Hadeeth about Companion who claimed to have had an argument with his father

    Assalaamu alaykum. I have read a hadith about a Companion who will enter Paradise. In this hadith, another Companion told him a white lie, saying that he had had a dispute with his father and had to stay outside the home for three nights. Is that type of white lie permissible? .. More

  • Waking up for Fajr to avoid dispraise

    Assalaamu alaykum, Scholar. I live in Spain, far from the masjid, and therefore I pray alone at home. As I pray alone at home, I may delay the prayer a little bit more than what they do in masjid. If I had to pray at the masjid, I obvously would not be not. Recently, my friend and Shaykh told me that we will revise the Quran through the mobile phone.. More

  • Laughing loudly is disliked

    Assalaamu alaykum. I would like to know whether laughing out loud is haram in Islam; and secondly, someone mentioned that laughing loudly is a devil's laugh and that we should refrain from laughing loudly. Kindly advise with references. Salaam. .. More

  • Calling someone ‘m love’ or ‘my life’

    Assalaamu alaykum. Can I call someone ‘my love’? Also, the word ‘Jani’ means life in my language, can I call someone with that, and also, can I say that I won a match because of a person's match-winning performance, or do I have to say, “I won because of Allah”? Also, why do we call Allah the ‘Greatest’? If there is no one great around.. More

  • Talking about one who wronged you is not backbiting

    If I narrate something (i.e. some wrongdoing) that someone or some people did to me without specifying their names and their appearances, and I use general terms like “they”, “some people” etc. because I do not want to fall into the sin of backbiting and I talk about it with some people and then they tell me that they know who I am talking about.. More

  • Lying to clients for work

    Assalaamu alaykum. I am a single woman and live with my parents. I got an opportunity to work from home for a call centre. I am from South Asia and have to make calls to Europe. I should lie to the clients and tell them that I am calling from Europe. I am so worried and confused regarding whether I am doing a sin. If I do not do this, then I have to.. More

  • Joint bank account with non-Muslim mother

    Salam. My Christian mother has a bank account that has my name on it. However, I have zero access to it unless I go with her to the bank to show them my identification. My mother is not a trustworthy person. I have explained this multiple times to my dad and his family. My family were telling me that I can transfer the money to my own account which.. More

  • Returning Salaam while praying

    Assalaamu alaykum. My question has to do with responding to the Salaam greeting: 1) According to the Sunnah, if you are in a prayer and somebody greets you with the Salaam, you should answer by either raising your palm, raising your index finger, or nodding. My question is: what if the praying person is in the bowing position or in Tashahhud, or.. More