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3574 fatwas

  • Expiation for breaking many oaths

    Dear Shaikh, I have broken many oaths, but I have repented now. My plan is to give expiation through money each day. For example, I will give 2 dollars for to a poor person each day for 10 days for one oath, and then another 10 days for another oath. My questions are: 1. Is it permissible to do this in this way? 2. What if I miss a day or two? Do.. More

  • Parents forbid him from wearing Ghutrah

    Assalaamu alaykum, Scholars. I recently asked you about my parents forbidding me to wear a scarf over my head, and you sent me a fatwa saying that obeying the parents is not obligatoryin one's clothing,but I asked you this question since I thought that perhaps the rulling may change since I am wearing a Saudi scarf in a country were that is not common.. More

  • Supplicating against unjust parent and sibling

    Assalaamu alaykum. My mother and little sister betrayed mewith her housband. They took money that I gave them as a trust, and now they are also looking to share the house which I bought in the name of my mother even though they did not put any cent towards it. I feel betrayed by my mother and little sister and cannot do anything. I worked my whole life.. More

  • How to nourish the mind

    Assalaamu alaykum. I have been blessed with much guidance from Allah, The Exalted, Maa Shaa Allah. I have a question regarding the brain, the main tool for our rationality, with the mercy of Allah, The Exalted. I would like to know how to purify the brain; for example, for purifying the body, we perform Ghusl (ritual bath); for the heart, we ask for.. More

  • Obeying unjust mother

    Assalaamu alaykum. I have a question about a problem. I currentlylive in Europe, and my mother and sister live in Africa. I have bought a house, and I let my sister live in there with her husband without paying rent. My mother lives in another house, not with them. My problem is that my sister has betrayed me. I trusted her with my money, and she has.. More

  • Questions about returning Salaam

    I have some brief questions about the Salaam greeting: 1- If someone visits my home and says the Salaam but I do not want to accept him (for some reason), can I return the Salaam quietly? 2- If someone says the Salaam and he is far away (like by using sound system or mic) and no one answers him while even if I answer him, he will not hear it,.. More

  • Husband's permission to wife to visit her parents

    Assalaamu alaykum. My question is the following: my wife and I married around four years ago. We live abroad, and her parents live in another country. She keeps going to see her parents every year for two months despite me telling her not to go for that long and to go every year but for one month only. She does not listen to me and says that it is her.. More

  • Reading Aayat Al-Kursi before sleeping in daytime

    Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu. Can I read Ayat Al-Kursi before sleeping in the daytime? .. More

  • Relating bad dream to others

    Salam. My friend, who is a few years older than me, and I planned yesterday that we should see each other today at 8AM for me to help her on her English. Last night, my grandma felt uneasy about me leaving. Then this morning, around 7:30 AM, my aunt approached me and told me that my grandpa who passed away in 2013 came into her dream and asked me, “Where.. More

  • Virtue of working to provide for self and family

    Can you please quote and explain the hadith about a young man who was very active in his business and who was criticized by a Companion for not striving in the cause of Allah. Prophet Muhammad, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam,defended him by saying that there could be three reasons why he was active in his work: 1. To be self sufficient, which makes.. More

  • Reported Thikr offers protection for a day or three days

    Assalaamu alaykum. A) Are there any morning/evening Athkaar (pl. of Thikr [expressions of remembrance of Allah]) that protect us and/or our house and family for a long time (i.e, more than a day, like a week from Friday to Friday, a lunar month, etc)? Are the following known from authentic sources or from experience: Surat Al-Faatihah and the three.. More

  • Helping Muslim students against discrimination by raising their grades

    Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu. Dear scholars, today I am going to ask whether a certain action is valid or not. I am from Ethiopia, a country in which Muslims are a minority. I am a university instructor teaching higher institutional students. The number of Muslim students is very low compared to the other students, especially the.. More

  • Whether answering questions based on guessing is considered lying

    We need to obey the laws of our country if they do not command us to commit a sin. So if I am learning for the driving test and the question is something like "What are you not allowed to do?" and I do not know the answer but ponder and answer what I think is most likely, am I lying or saying that something is halal or haram without knowledge? Is this.. More

  • Hearing backbiting unintentionally

    Assalaamu alaykum Scholars. A few days ago, I was in the masjid, and I was praying a voluntary prayer on the second floor. On the first floor, there were two imams who were having a discussion. I think I heard clear backbiting (and Allaah knows best) while I was praying. Do I bear the sin of the listener to backbiting despite the fact that I was praying.. More

  • Son going against father's advice

    Assalaamu alaykum. I am writing to you in relation to a difficult situation that I am in, and I am seeking advice. Recently, something happened - but it is now over, and all praise is due to Allah alone - which made me make the decision to quit teaching the Quran for my safety, under the instruction of my father. However, after consulting a number of.. More