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1048 fatwas

  • Wants to move from her Christian parents' home to live with a Muslim friend

    I have been apart of the Muslim community for almost a year. I took my Shahada at a Halaqa in March of 2004. I have the opportunity to move in with another sister who took her Shahada around the same time as mine. My question is it Haraam to move out of my parents home and into an apartment with another sister? Right now I live at home with parents.. More

  • Inviting Christians to a Muslim wedding

    I want to get married soon. I work for Tourism Company as an English speaking tour-guide. I know a few American people (Christians) who often come to my home town and always want me to be tour-guide for them. Now they want to attend my wedding (I can't say "please don't come"). I want to know it is permissible in Islam if they attend my.. More

  • She wants to be with her parents for one week while she is in a difficult pregnancy

    Could you tell me if it is permissible to stay with my parents for a short while (1 week without my husband) as I am pregnant with my 3rd child. My other children are both under 3. My husband finds it difficult to let me. Parents live in U.K we live in Belgium. My husband will take me and my father has offered to bring me back. I'm suffering.. More

  • Wants to make peace with his deceased father who brutally abused him as a child

    When I was a child, I was being brutally abused (physically). For no apparent reason by my father. A few years ago he was assassinated and I have not made peace with him up to now. What is your advice, please notify me. .. More

  • Her parents separation has led to family problems

    I would like to know all about separation and rules concerning parents and children. My mum and dad are separated, however my mum does not want me to talk/visit my dad and she also does not listen to her family, and she is doing everything by herself without fear of Allaah. Please I don't know what to do... More

  • Raised by his step-father, he asks about his rights on his natural father

    I am a 30-years-old man; my father and mother were separated and divorced when I was 2 month old. I was raised by my mother and my mother's husband, who raised me as his own son. I recently knew where my father is and he lives in a different country. He never asked or cared about me in the past. My question is, what is my right on him? Is.. More

  • Wants to be a heart surgeon but her father objects

    Am in medical school and I want to become doctor in heart surgery but the problem is that my dad he don't want me to fallow heart education, he want me to fallow eye education because is fast and easy. I don't know what to do I want to fallow heart education but I don't to hurt my dad feeling too I want to make him a proud of me! What.. More

  • His mother beats him with many objects

    I get beaten up every time by my 'mum'. I got fed up now. Just because I am not aloud to sleep in the mosque. I get beaten up with wooden sticks, metal stick, strings etc. I cry because of the pain. Then I stopped respected her, my dad is not in this country. And I got fed up, can't take it anymore. Is it allowed in Islam for a mother to hit.. More

  • Her mother reads romance novels

    I have a very serious problem with my mother. Al-Hamdu Lillaah, we are a practicing family who constantly strive to improve ourselves in our Deen. However, I discovered a few months ago that my mother (a revert of 20-years) has been reading modern romance novels. This has distressed me deeply. My father caught her once and warned her.. More

  • Dealing with our mistakes with other people

    Is there any Du'a or there is any act of greeting when by mistake our leg touches other person? .. More

  • He resents his father's treatment of his mother

    My question is regarding my father the problem is concerning his behaviour towards my mother since my childhood. He is beating my mother and now I'm 21-years-old. He stills beats my mother when he stays something against my father's brother or on the issues which goes against my father liking and due to this behaviour of my father towards.. More

  • Problems with his father's new wife

    I have a question concerning my father's new wife. I haven't seen my father since 1997 at this time my father was married with other woman but she died, may Allaah be mercy with her. She was very good. They got 5 children together. This new wife my father has been married with about 5 years. The problem is no one of the children likes her.. More

  • Doesn't want to keep a promise to his mother just to please her

    My mother has recently found my bank statement and has found that I have given a lot of my monthly salary to charity. She has asked me to stop doing this and to save for the future and she also stated that I have a duty to pay the bills and pay off the student loan that I have. She has made me promise to stop all monthly direct debits to different.. More

  • Her mother is very strict regarding her choice of friends

    I am a 22 years-old unmarried Muslimah living with my parents, and I am facing problems with my mom.... My mom is very possessive and mostly won't let me decide on my own personal things on my own. One example is my friends... she has a problem with all my friends... it would just take her a month or 2 before she tells me not to befriend this.. More

  • His wife and his mother often quarrel

    I want to ask that I have a friend who has difficulty in his marriage. The problem is he likes his wife and he has 3 years-old son. He lives with his parents his wife quarrels with his mom a lot and his mom said that he should divorce. His wife can not change the habit of quarreling. What he should do keep or divorce? We'll be looking forward.. More