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1049 fatwas

  • Her disobedient father will not allow her to marry any Muslim man

    From last year I started getting more into Islam A-lhamdulillaah, and joined an Islamic forum where unfortunately I got quite attached to a religious brother. He has asked to marry me and I have told him that my parents will not allow us to be married because my father is a very strong nationalistic Kurd and would not let me marry a non-Kurd.. More

  • Name of Moza/Mooza; caring for elderly non-Muslim parents

    Could you please give me the meaning of the name Moza/mooza and if it has been the name of any person associated with our Prophet? My next question is: I want my parents who are old to stay with us. But they are not Muslims. I fear that they may bring out their religious practices in our home which I don't want. I am afraid to tell them I am.. More

  • Helping a needy sister or sending his mother for Hajj

    I want to send my mother for Hajj, but I have a sister (married with 4 children). She needs help because her living condition is not good. So my question is - Should I help her or first I send my mother for Hajj? Which is more important? .. More

  • Supplicating on behalf of non-Muslims

    I want to know whether we can supplicate for or on behalf of non-Muslims like Christians and the likes, and if we can, apart from supplicating for their being guided to Islam, can we supplicate for their sick ones or for, their poor ones to be endowed with Rizq and the likes. .. More

  • Her parents do not accept a proposal due to social issues

    A man of good religious and moral character has proposed to marry me, despite the fact that he is already married and has 2 kids. My parents do not agree to this proposal due to social issues of our society. I am confused whether I should marry him without the consent of my parents and without them knowing about it or should I forget about the.. More

  • Visiting relatives and others while engaged in Haraam activities

    I would like to know if it is permissible to visit my brothers and sisters at their homes when there is drinking (alcohol and pork) and other Haraam food is there. Plus there are other people there who are not related to me. I'm the only one who is a Muslim, the rest of my family are Hindus. Whenever they come to visit they want me to spend time.. More

  • Wants forgiveness from wife who wanted him to divorce her

    For answering my question Ref. No. 8731. I have mentioned that my wife asked for divorce and not myself, she surprised me by sending the divorce paper from the lawyer without even hinting all the time we spent. She as the law order took everything I owned and I left with only my small suitcase. I still have to ask for her forgiveness? .. More

  • A daughter's share in her father's donations to her siblings

    My Muslim friend in India, has a Muslim wife, she is the daughter of a very rich man .Her father gets a rent of INRS 400,000 per month from a company, in Mumbai. What is her share from the rent? They are 3 brothers and one sister in all. The father, on instigation from his eldest son, adopted the grandson as his adopted son. The father has given.. More

  • Wants a wife he divorced at her insistence 30-years ago to forgive him

    My wife asked for divorce about 30-years ago. I tried very hard to stop her, but all efforts closed. Even though I feel that she was wrong in refusing settlement but I want her to forgive me before I die. I was told that a Muslim should be free of all human wrong doing before he or she leave this earth. .. More

  • Forgiving people who treat you badly

    I want to know that if its Haraam not forgive someone who done to you a big mistake because my in-laws are treating me badly talking behind my back and calling me some kind of freak. Please help me if you can. .. More

  • Her husband is overly critical of everyone which causes marital problems

    I married my husband since last year. The first time I met him on the wedding day, I noted that my husband is a kind of person who like to criticize others very much. I found that, he think only him is the right and perfect human being above all intern of Deen as well as worldly affairs. Nobody has done any right thing except him alone. He does.. More

  • Reluctant to inform his parents that he married a Muslim convert

    I am student here in India. I got married after my wife she converts to Islam, and still now my parents they don't know. I want to know if this is wrong? But any way Inshaa Allaah, I am going to inform them very soon. Because that time if I said to them anything may be they will reject but I fell I did something good to let someone to convert.. More

  • Severed relations with his sister and nieces

    My question is that I've cut all contact with my sister and her daughters because her older daughter became pregnant a non-Muslim man and she never been married to him. My sister knew everything but she didn't care still don't pay Allaah in anything, .. More

  • Assisting non-Muslim friends with their wedding arrangements

    Please clarify if it is permissible for me to help my non-Muslim friends to buy their wedding cake, book a reception hall and buying gifts for their forthcoming wedding and as well as to attend their wedding reception with no alcohol being served. .. More

  • Her caring husband often speaks badly of others

    My husband is a kind of person who like to reveal others mistake, false deeds (look bad thing from others), the way in which I really dislike. I sometime try to stop him from talking bad thing about others. But I only get the negative response and displease by him. We always have quarrelling when I gave good advice or remind him about good.. More