Is it Haram to sell pork meat among other goods. I understand very well that eating pork is Haram. But I did not find any thing in Qur'an and Sunna about selling pork. I understand the making, producing, selling, carrying alcohol is Haram... More
My husband and I are Muslims. He works in a restaurant, outside, on the beach. There are women all around in bathing suits, bikinis and such. He is working also with pork. Work is enough here. Is this work right or haram? To be honest I don't like it. Thank you.
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I have a Master Card (credit card) and the practice is to deduct every amount I use in three months (33% each month ). Is that halal or Haram (Riba)?
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In Canada the employer will deduct a certain percentage from the salary as employment insurance known as EI. If an employee is laid off from work, the government will pay him an amount equal to 65% of his wages. The EI contributions he made by law the government uses in various investment products, both Halal and Haram. The EI benefits one gets is from.. More
I understand that working in insurance or banking is prohibited, but in North America or even most of the world almost every organization is dealing in interest either by receiving it or paying it. Their existence is mostly done through interest bearing loans from banks. Does that imply that Muslims cannot work for any organization?
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Last week I was very delighted I got a job (walhamdullilah) in an Internet service provider company in the Kingdom. What really bothered me was that I subscribe the users, some I know or tell me they want to subscribe to chat and look at sex pictures. Is the salary which I receive Haram or Halal?
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Is trading in the stock market haram? If it is haram, what can I do with the shares I have right now and its value is less than the price I paid? How I can invest my money in a country like Canada and our countries have almost the same structure?.. More
I am trying to research on Islamic Finance and how it works (or how it "should" work) in today's world of dominating western finance and Riba'. SPECIFIC TOPICS include: How a merger transaction between two companies would be implemented under Islamic Law? Also how would it differ between two Islamic countries ( it shouldn't, since there's only.. More