Assalamualikum, My sister in law has a 3 year old baby girl. Her aqeeqa has not yet been done. But now her in-laws (husband's parents) are planning for Aqeeqa on their younger son's marriage. Ideally, it would have been done on 7th day of her birth. Her head was shaved few days after her bith. And those hairs are still with them. Now they want to do.. More
dear sir I am a muslim got married to a christian woman who was divorced before in a registry office in london (non muslim office),in front of her family and the presence of over 20 people who wittnessed the cermony but withowt my family who couldnt attend ,there was only on muslim friend who attended the cermony and signed the document with her sister.. More
Salam Alaikom, is it ok if children 4-12 yrs old to play (games,toys) excessively all day everyday? If I wanted to make my child a Hafith/ Hafida el Quran (memorize) what can I do to help them memorize it? Can you please teach us how to teach our children to memorize the Quran step by step? At what age must we start to teach them? Jazakom Allah Khair!!.. More
I have just read a Fatwa concerning naming children Yaseen and it was indicated that this was undisireable. When I converted and took a muslim name I chose Yaseen, Am I in error? Should I then change this ?.. More
1)I am 24 and can't keep away from temptations,i am engaged to a girls since two years and want to marry now but her parents want her elder sisters to get married first.What is islamic ruling on it? 2)When I saw her,started liking her but got to know that someone else was interested in her, i then asked my mother to ask for her hand,which her parents.. More
what is the fatwa on a man marrying a convert who has a son and changes the sisters name and her son's since he is the husband the son assumes his name as the father. i understand the rights to inheritance are not for the kids advantage but what about assuming the name... More
I am a recent convert to Islam (practising Muslim Alhamdulillah) married to a non-practising muslim who has given up the prayer, and is selling alcohol along with other haram activities. I have been married for three and a half years, and during that time I have asked him to pray, and I have also asked others who he respects to ask him to pray. He.. More
asalamuallaikum wa rahmat Allah,,,,,,Bismillah wa alhamdullilah wa salat wa salam a rasool Allah,,,,,,,,,,What is the ruling regarding an "engagement party" before marrying??? (according to the understanding of the salaf u salah,,,,,) please bring daleels from kitab u sunnah (saheeh hadiths or at least hasan according to the salafi scholars)
.. More
My question is i am an indian married guy with two kids currently working in k.s.a. my family is in India with my parents, i am single to my parents. now it is difficult for me and my wife to live apart. if i call her here i can not save anything and if i go back i don't have job there. my parents also in need of me well they have kept the decision.. More
Assalaam alaykum, my is arrange marriage and I spoke with my husband on phone 2 and half months before marraige. Now its almos 4 yrs but we are not happy together. My husband came here abroad we live at my sister's house. he's not a bad person but we judt don't suit eachother, he's like to go out and I like to stay at home with family. He's always complaining.. More
dear brother my earlier question (question no .2142574..was not answered properly i think some mis match plz answer to my question)...... my marriage was performed in 2004 and my husbad stays in london at that time i was promised tht i ll be taken to london in 6 months but as the time passed out till today nothing happened husband came thrice.. More
peace be up on you and may allah reward you for your help incha llah i'm a married woman and i just get married recently with a foriegn muslim man who is a very good muslim el hamedo li lahe .my parent and my close relatives know that i get married and that i'm waiting for my visa to come so i can join my husband incha parent asked me to not.. More
assalamu alaikum my brother got married to a girl of my mother's choice...but now he doesnt like her...he doesnt find her attractive...he has lost interest in life bcoz of this...and now my sisters n mother are planning to get another wife for him....but i m afraid if will dat be an injustice to the first wife....??? are we hurting her...will be accountable.. More
Please keep this confidentail and give me an urgent reply if a husband has given a divorce to his wife directly with three words of talaq " Talaq, Talaq, Talaq (upon thrice)" on a stamp paper with witnesses and lawyer signatures and it is also written that it is an irrevocable divorce then in this case can the wife remarry her husband without hilala... More