My husband and I are separated and we want to get back together. However, when I left I told the authorities (in Germany) and other people helping me that my husband hit me and was abusive, which is all true. If I immediately return to him with the children (5), I will lose my credibility with all of the people who have helped me, and perhaps they will.. More
As salam u alaikum. I was married to an abnormal person, thought that it is my fate, and started my career with her, from the very beginning it was as such that she would not sleep the whole night and would feel un easiness for which I went to the doctors who after her examine find that she is abnormal, and asked me to find her family history and then.. More
Asselamu aleikum!A friend of mine needs of your help.Her husband was studying abroad and wanted from her to go there.But she refused and she wants to know if she done a sin,cause he was displeased with her and wanted divorce.Thank you in advance.. More
Assalamualaikum, Question 1 : What is the correct thing to do when girl become Pregnant outside of marriage? Question 2 : Assuming the father of the child wants to marry her, can he? Question 3 : Is the marriage valid if they did marry? Question 4 : If they married, what should they do now to correct it? Question 5 : What if they don't correct it? Question.. More
My question is Im looking to get married to a young lady comes from a nice family but the problem is her family own a store have liquer/pharmacy like a small supermarket....My father aginst it and I like her and i was wondering what is the fatwa for this problem i dont know what to do for both sides??? thank you.. More
I married six years back. My wife is a converted Muslim. Alhamdulillah, I have a son of 1 yr. I work in a Pvt. Co. and she is also working with another co. My problem is my wife and her casual approach and attitude towards me and her life. My parents were not in favour of this marriage and still they are not supportive. Since marriage itself, she is.. More
Assalamu Alaikum Mr. Burhan, This is VERY URGENT. Please reply as soon as possible. I live with my husband, and I work in a law firm. My husband believes tha money is everything and only then comes anything else in this world. There are two problems: 1 - I earn 4000 Dhs, but I did not tell him that. I said I earn only 3000, so that I can send more.. More
I am married since 6 years. Have 3 kids. Since marraige my husband has the habit to masturbate. Its only me who has to desire to have sex. If I dont desire he will only masturbate. How long the marraige is valid without sex. I heard a marraige is not valid if sexual relation does not prevail for more than 3 months. Is this right? What can I do about.. More
I married a khan girl, I luv against her parents' wish, thru proper Islamic Channel. Later her parents probably accepted the marriage and started visiting us. Further they asked me to send my wife to her paternal house for some days,which I did. But a day before her return, she started to disrespect me on phone. And on day of her return because upset.. More
ASSALAM ALAIKUM WARAH-MATU-LLAH Jazakumu LLAHU qhaira for this website. About marring Ahlul-Kitab, Iam dead against it. Yes it is in the quran, but it was so because Arabs used to barry there girls alive, so there was few women than men .Today we have more wemen than men. I have spoken to muslim women in my community who are living with kuffar men why.. More
my husband is refusing to give me talaak just to punish me. he has agreed for the court divorce though. we have not been living together for the past 8 months n hes staying with another woman who he had an affair with, thus the reason for our separation. now he wants money from me n threatens that unless i give me half of my weath, he wont give me.. More
my husband re-married another woman just to look after his mum, he did this without telling me, i fund out by chance, i want him to divorce her or me. am i haram to ask him to do so. he does not treat us equally and when i married him 8yrs ago, i asked him if he would ever remarry and he said no. he made a promise. i have 3 kids, she has none. he claims.. More
I am a new muslim and trying to lead a life as a good muslim woman, actually it was my husband's good moral behaviour and character that first attracted me to Islam and also to him. We got married after 6 years of knowing each other and overcoming a lot of hassels. We were leading a very contended and a happy life until our daughter was born a few months.. More
salamualykum.. my question is.... there is a muslim boy and girl.they love each other and have all the relationship as a husband and wife.they have a sexual intercourse too so many times.but suddenly they cannot marry becose of the family misunderstanding or anyother what is the position for them in islam..they want to marry each other.. More
Asalam o Alaikum wa rahmat ullah. Dear Brother, I had a second wife and a son from her, we had serious differences and finally i divorced her three times at once 8 years back. Now, we want return to the wedlock but we are totally confused, as to some and most of the scholars, we can only marry again after she marries some other man and have intercourse.. More