I have read a woman has to obey her husband in everything accept when he orders her to do something sinful. Is it obligatory for a woman to obey her husband even if the obedience to husband will mean forgoing some of her rights or can she disobey him and not forgo her rights?.. More
bismillahi rahmaani rraheem.assalamu alikkum.i am in a problem.i liv in dubai.2yrs ago i met a gal here wen i was on a vacation.she is a christian.v had love @first sight.i met her only once.i didnt even remember her face.after our meeting i left to india for degree.v talked thru phone.v didnt hav any intention to love.as v both love our parents very.. More
Assalamu Alaikom, I would like to get some advice to my problem from you,The problem is with my husband, he is 8 yrs older than me im arab & he is asian, anyway I sometimes notice my husband looking at young girls in an unacceptable way as if he was looking at an older woman.I definitely know he is not attracted to me in many ways such as, my.. More
assalamu alaikum i m a married woman...we did a grave sin by having intercourse during menses...but later we repented and vowed never to such a thing again..but i got pregnant dat month..and now i m afraid will dat hav any bad effect on my child.....i mean...i want my child to be pious n healthy...pls advice me..... More
I have read that in Islam best women are those who are loving and can have lot of children. I can understand the loving side but women don’t have any control on how many children they can have. Why the women who can have children considered superior to women who cannot have children even though this is not under their control? Prophet (peace be.. More
Alsalam alaikaum wr wb..Im askin you please to answer my Questions...Im incredibly lost...I am Practicing Islam Alhamduallah, i just wanted to know Is day dreaming about sex, with the same or oppisite sex haram? I heard that Its not haram since its not done literally, Its only imagination. My Question is can I just dream, since im really not doin it?..im.. More
My son died after 15 days of delivery due to some respiratory problem. He was in hospital since the date of birth in ICU. As he was in critical condition doctors advised us to see from far you cannot touch or kiss your baby. But after 2 weeks he expired. My question is that my family members told my wife that do not kiss or touch the baby because.. More
assalamoalaikum my brother died after birth,may be 30 yrs before.now i know that when the soul is in,we have to make aqeeqa for the child and give name to child.now what my parents have to do,they have to make aqqeqa now or not necessary,because we are unaware of that before. thanks.. More
assalamalaikum.i am a medical student studyng in a mixed medical college unfortunately.this is not out of my liking but due to unavoidable circumstances.but the college isin an arab country and strict rules apply,so i never interact with the males at all,we are only in the same room during lectures but on separate sides.it happens that sometimes the.. More
Salaam Alaikum .. Dear Shaikh, I found the following reply in one site, concerning the Niqaab: Shaykh Ibn ‘Uthaymeen (RA) was asked: What is the ruling on observing hijab in front of a blind teacher? He replied: There is no hijab in front of a blind teacher because the Prophet (SAW) said to Faatimah bint Qays: “Observe your ‘iddah in the house.. More
Assalam Alay Kum! I urgently require clarification on the issue of duration of Iddah after Khul. I have read and heard that it is 3 months in case of Talaaq.I have come across this hadith Please comment on it and tell me if it should be ignored?OR it can be followed. Hadith was narrated from Ibn ‘Abbaas that the wife of Thaabit ibn Qays ended.. More
i have a serious problem regarding divorse.my father put four papers in front of me.it was written i mr shafiq divorse my wife(name) daughter of xyz and resident of xyz. i signed those four papers.it was the demand of my in law's then.now when i saw the papers ,before signing them, the date was of feb 2007.i told my dad that the dates are required to.. More
Alsalam Alaikaum Wr Wb Im an american Egyptian girl Currently moved to Egypt with my family. AFter finishing high school i decided i wanted to become a teacher, Its really my dream, I wanna be an islamic studies teacher, My parents have no Problem alhamduduallah, but one Problem is i cant travel to The states with out a mahram and there isnt any colleges.. More
Asalamu alaikum warahmatullah wabarakatu Hope you are in good inman inshallah. My question is regarding the rulings about travelling without a mahram.A group of about 8 practising sisters want to tavel to france for 3nights and 4days out of leisure during the summer period. We live in london and would either take the Euro star or Air france. I would.. More