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483 fatwas

  • Discovered that his father has an illicit relationship with a woman

    Aslamlukum ! First i would like to thank you for helping All Muslim Brother and Sisters in trouble. i am 23 year old undergradute student. Recently i found proofs of My father illegal relation with another women other than my mother, The photographs and videos proves that he commited adultry to a woman. Also i found a bottle of Vodka and Wine in.. More

  • His caring sister disapproves his parents' choice of bride for him

    Assalamualekum wa rahmatullahi wa barkatahu we are 10 childrens to our parents and iam the 8 one, my 1 elder sister she was married after marrige she is not having any children till 5 year then she come to my parents and take me with her at that time i was 3 years after that know she is having 4 childrens 3 years of age iam with her from that age to.. More

  • Wants to migrate to a Muslim country but has to take care of his aging parents

    Assalamu Alaikum, I have 2 concerns that I am trying to decide between. My parents are older and have health problems while I am living in America with them. But at the same time I want to leave America and make hijrah to a more Muslim country since there is no Islamic state right now. I dont know what to do, should I stay in America to look after my.. More

  • Her widowed father drinks alcohol and has a girlfriend

    Essalamou 3alaikom warahmatou allah wabarketou my mother passed away 2 years ago after that my father started drinking alkohol and dating wemen .He put my sister to the door so he can live with his girlfriend . My sisters and me tyried to convince him that it's haram and this is not the way he raised us... I dont really know how to deal with him.My.. More

  • Her father refused her choice of husband and expelled her from his house

    salam alkum, i am a 19year old girl living in canada, and you can imagine the kind of enviornment i am living.A man came and proposed to me through my dad,he was refused twice, one day i accidently meet him in a mall and for the lack of knowledge i have in islam i talked to the man and we sat together in public for 15min where he was explainig to me.. More

  • His father insistently asks him to divorce his wife

    Salam!I am writing to you to seek guidance on my marriage. My husband and I are of different nationalities but the same religion "islam" and we are both religiously praying and following the guidance of our prophet mohammed (pbuh).. Alhamdullilah.Our marriage have been on for almost 5 years now but half of that we spent it away from each other due to.. More

  • Has not married yet and her mother is very cruel to her

    my parents didnt marry mother is very cruel to age is 50.previously i was very much oriented to islam,read 5 times pray,roza ,zakat ,all i try to follow islam.but now adays i m very upset mentally,dont know wat to mother say leave this house.this is a shock 4 me and bcoz of my circumstances i am deviating from islam.please help me.tell.. More

  • His mother does not support his plan to work in a Muslim country

    Asalam Alaykum, I'm currently living in the US with both my parents in their home. I'm looking to get a job teaching English in Saudi because the salary is good, it is a safe Muslim country, I want to increase my knowledge of Arabic and Islam. My Mother and Father are both healthy and not in need of me to look after them for any health reasons. My.. More

  • Her father abused her sexually when she was a child

    my father has abused me sexually when i was a child.will i ever get any justice regarding dat.the memory of those horrible moments almost kills me.i fail to respect him eventhough one has to respect ones parent howsoever he is.but its an injustice on me,i try hard to forget but fail to do so.i face difficulty even in deciding to get married because.. More

  • Her parents want her to get divorce from her husband

    Aslam-O-Alikum I am 26 year old married female & having one son. Still I am living with my parents after marriage. I and my husband were stay together only one week. My parents don’t like him and asked my get divorce from her. I loved my parents very much and I don’t want to hurt them. I already asked my husband to give me divorce paper otherwise.. More

  • A mother forcing her son to take a second wife

    can a mother forced her son to get married again, even her son doesn't want to,just because the nationality of the wife is not of them?.. More

  • Rights of a father who abandoned his family for 22 years

    I would like to know what is the point of view of chariaa concerning a father who has abundened and left his family without any resource of surviving for 22 years ,he has gone without any reason and did not give any sign of life during all this period,he does not know most of his children ,some of them are now married and have children,after his incredible.. More

  • Limits of obedience to parents

    I am a 21 yr old Muslima who has been away from guidance for almost all my life. Now that I am serious and certain about my Deen and my life, I will do what it takes to make sure I do not lose it. I am aiming to be like Ayesha and Khadijah (R) and I am taught to be a Mercy to mankind. When it comes to marriage, I want to marry a man with the same.. More

  • Parents interfering in their married son's personal affairs

    Asalaamu alaikum, I am trying to understand the parents rights over their married son and the decisions he makes with his wife. Assuming all choices made are halal: 1) Does an adult, married son have to obey his mother/father if they try to tell him where he can or cannot live or how he should spend his money or that he can't accept money from his.. More

  • Parents forcing their son to take a usurious loan

    بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم Assalamualikum my question: I have studied in a private college and as the college actually had installment of 500 dollar per month and did not charge any interest. now my parents think that it was not good enough and they want me to go to an university and take a huge loan and including living cost, etc. i.. More