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1048 fatwas

  • Father and brother want her to reveal her husband's secrets

    I'm 23-years old, and married, my father does not talk to me anymore because he wants me to not listen to my husband but only listen to my oldest brothers, and every single one of them are trouble they like to boss me around and always want me to tell them personal things involving my husband's business life andI can't do that, the oldest.. More

  • Neighbors' help to a family of a lazy husband

    There is a Muslim family in our neighborhood that consists of a husband, wife and three daughters. The wife continues to perform her duties as a wife and mother, but the husband has not worked in a number of years and simply refuses to get a job. This situation has lead the wife to begging from all of us to provide for her family. Her father is.. More

  • Who to believe, mother or husband?

    If my mom says that she think she saw my husband kissing my sister but he swears to Allaah's name that he sees as part of his children who am I to believe? .. More

  • Wants to live far from his parents who caused him problems

    I am 28 years old, I would like to ask question regarding my parents. My mother and father are very careless, they don't have any love and affection for us. My mother only cares for money. I work in a private company, when I get my salary she will demand to give me my full salary and she will not care for us. She will never ask me about my.. More

  • Differs with her husband over controversial religious issues

    I am a revert to Islam and my husband is a born Muslim. Al-Hamdulillaah, we both do our best to practice Islam but there have been rifts developing between my husband and I because we differ in our way of following Islam. While I try to follow strictly what Allaah says in the Quran and what the Prophet, sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam, left us.. More

  • Has bad relationship with her sister

    The relationship between me and my older sister has lately become filled with hatred. I don't want it to get any worse. Whenever we start talking she starts getting into a fight with me. So, now I refuse to talk to her at all. Can you please tell me any Du'aa, anything at all that can help this get better? Insha Allaah everything will be alright.. More

  • Went to an Islamic lecture against her father's will

    After greetings I wanted to know if I committed a sin. My father and I disagreed on something, I wanted to go to a sermon which was being held on our neighborhood and on this sermon it was all about Islamic knowledge, but suddenly my father refused for me to go just because he disliked those people. I didn't listen to him and went instead. Did.. More

  • Her Husband Lacks Interest In Islam

    My question is regarding my husband, who I feel is not after the same things in life as I am. About a year ago I became a practicing Muslimah, before that I was only a Muslim in name. However hard I try to push my husband of 3 years into the Deen, Salah etc., I get a negative response and sometimes arguments arise. I would like some advice as to how.. More

  • Wants to learn Islam but her parents want her to study medicine

    First of all may Allaah have mercy upon anyone who helps another Muslim in anyway, Aameen that being said, for about a year I had a strong urge to start studying the Quran and the Hadeeth, basically everything that has to do with Islam, there's only one problem and that is that my parents want for me to graduate from college, a degree in medicine,.. More

  • Left his home due to poor relations with his brother and his wife

    We belong to Pashtun Tribe of Pakistan. We are 3 brothers, I'm the middle one. My elder brother married in 1997. I got married in 2002. His (elder brother) wife remained hostile to my wife from the very beginning. Because she thinks she is senior to my wife. Then she started false allegations on my wife. She (my brother's wife) started working.. More

  • After divorce the father neglects or abandons his children

    If a husband after the divorce neglects his entire obligation towards his child including not paying the Nafqah or he totally disappear from their life although he is still alive, can he still be considered as the guardian of the child? Or can that right be taken away from him? And should he be called to be the Waali of his daughter's marriage,.. More

  • Doesn't speak to her mother

    I don't speak to my mom anymore because she always does so many sins. She does not pray even 1 Raka'h of prayer. She blames me for not talking to her. I pray every prayer and read the Quran whenever I can every time but still she blames me for not speaking with her. Is "me not speaking to her" wrong even if I have a good reason for it?.. More

  • Her husband changed his mind after giving his word

    My sister and her husband made an agreement that she can travel on her own from England to our country because he can't go with her. She just wants to see my brothers and sisters who she didn't see for 11 years and go to my mother's tomb as she wasn't there when she died. At the beginning he gave her permission to go and even has booked a.. More

  • Parent demanding more money than he can afford

    For the past 11 years I have been sending my family money, and I have never complaint but recently I have not been lucky enough to earn a lot of money, I mean the money I am earning is just about enough to cover my cost of living, but at the same time my parent are pressurizing me into sending them an incredible amount of money and buy them.. More

  • Loyalty of the Muslim husband

    Whose preference is first practicing wife or non-practicing sister? Should a husband love his wife more or his sister who shows no respect to his wife?.. More